PowerShell commands for json-, package- and xml-transformation. This is, from version 2.0.0, a portable module that can run on Linux, Mac-OS and Windows. This library is simply a PowerShell layer for .NET-Transforming.
New-FileTransform `
-Destination "C:\Data\Transforms\Out\appsettings.json" `
-Source "C:\Data\Transforms\In\appsettings.json" `
-Transformation "C:\Data\Transforms\In\appsettings.Transformation.json";
New-FileTransform `
-Destination "C:\Data\Transforms\Out\Web.config" `
-Source "C:\Data\Transforms\In\Web.config" `
-Transformation "C:\Data\Transforms\In\Web.Transformation.config";
For handling patterns the Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing.Matcher class is used under the hood.
NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing
Patterns with absolute paths does not result in any matches.
New-PackageTransform `
-Destination "C:\Data\Transforms\Out\Package" `
-FileToTransformPatterns "**/*.config", "**/*.json", "**/*.xml" `
-PathToDeletePatterns "**/Directory-to-delete/**/*", "**/File-to-delete.*" `
-Source "C:\Data\Transforms\In\Package" `
-TransformationNames "Release", "Test";
New-PackageTransform `
-Destination "C:\Data\Transforms\Out\Package.zip" `
-FileToTransformPatterns "**/*.config", "**/*.json", "**/*.xml" `
-PathToDeletePatterns "**/Directory-to-delete/**", "**/File-to-delete.*" `
-Source "C:\Data\Transforms\In\Package" `
-TransformationNames "Release", "Test";
New-PackageTransform `
-Destination "C:\Data\Transforms\Out\Package.zip" `
-FileToTransformPatterns "**/*.config", "**/*.json", "**/*.xml" `
-PathToDeletePatterns "**/Directory-to-delete/*", "**/File-to-delete.*" `
-Source "C:\Data\Transforms\In\Package.zip" `
-TransformationNames "Release", "Test";
New-PackageTransform `
-Destination "C:\Data\Transforms\Out\Package" `
-FileToTransformPatterns "**/*.config", "**/*.json", "**/*.xml" `
-PathToDeletePatterns "**/Directory-to-delete/**/*", "**/File-to-delete.*" `
-Source "C:\Data\Transforms\In\Package.zip" `
-TransformationNames "Release", "Test";
The actual transforming is done under the %temp%-directory. The "Cleanup" parameter (defaults to true) is for removing the temporary transform-directories or not.
New-PackageTransform `
-Cleanup false `
-Destination "C:\Data\Transforms\Out\Package" `
-FileToTransformPatterns "**/*.config", "**/*.json", "**/*.xml" `
-PathToDeletePatterns "**/Directory-to-delete/**/*", "**/File-to-delete.*" `
-Source "C:\Data\Transforms\In\Package" `
-TransformationNames "Release", "Test";
All the commands above also have the parameter -AvoidByteOrderMark true/false. The default value for this parameter is:
This parameter controls the result of the transformation. If a source file that will be transformed has a BOM (Byte Order Mark) the destination file should also have a BOM. This is not always desired, e.g. on a Linux system. So if the source file has a BOM but the parameter "AvoidByteOrderMark" is set to true, the destination file will not have a BOM.
This PowerShell-module uses .NET-Transforming that may log information. A CommandLogger is used to write the logs to the PowerShell-console.
To write debug logs to the console you need to add the -Debug parameter:
New-FileTransform `
-Destination "C:\Data\Transforms\Out\appsettings.json" `
-Source "C:\Data\Transforms\In\appsettings.json" `
-Transformation "C:\Data\Transforms\In\appsettings.Transformation.json" `
To write verbose (trace) logs to the console you need to add the -Verbose parameter:
New-PackageTransform `
-Destination "C:\Data\Transforms\Out\Package" `
-FileToTransformPatterns "**/*.config", "**/*.json", "**/*.xml" `
-PathToDeletePatterns "**/Directory-to-delete/**/*", "**/File-to-delete.*" `
-Source "C:\Data\Transforms\In\Package" `
-TransformationNames "Release", "Test" `
Note: At the moment [.NET-Transforming](https://github.com/RegionOrebroLan/.NET-Transforming/) don't write any logs. The logging functionality is recently implemented.
Drop the "StrongName.snk" file in the repository-root. The file should not be included in source control.
At the moment we get the following warning (PowerShell-7-tests):
Haven't investigated it further.
The tests in this solution are a mix of integration- and unit-tests together.
If you want to set up a local PowerShell-Gallery to test with:
Register-PSRepository -Name "PowerShell-Transforming" -InstallationPolicy Trusted -SourceLocation "{SOLUTION-DIRECTORY}\.powershell-repository";
or run the following script:
If you want to remove it:
Unregister-PSRepository -Name "PowerShell-Transforming";
or run the following script:
Get all module repositories:
Get module repositories by name (with wildcard):
Get-PSRepository -Name "*Something*"
More information:
Then you can try to install the module:
Install-Module "RegionOrebroLan.Transforming";
or (local)
Install-Module "RegionOrebroLan.Transforming" -Repository "PowerShell-Transforming";
or save it:
Save-Module -Name "RegionOrebroLan.Transforming" -Path "C:\Data\Saved-PowerShell-Modules";
To uninstall the module:
Uninstall-Module "RegionOrebroLan.Transforming";
Install on a Linux build-agent via cmd.exe on Windows. The scenario is that you have version 2.0.0 installed and you want to install version 2.1.0. You also want to uninstall version 2.0.0 before installing version 2.1.0.
ssh user@build-agent
sudo pwsh
(Get-InstalledModule RegionOrebroLan.Transforming).InstalledLocation
- should give "/usr/local/share/powershell/Modules/RegionOrebroLan.Transforming/2.0.0" if it was installed with scope "AllUsers"Uninstall-Module RegionOrebroLan.Transforming
- if you want to remove previous versionsInstall-Module RegionOrebroLan.Transforming -Scope "AllUsers"
(Get-InstalledModule RegionOrebroLan.Transforming).InstalledLocation
- should give "/usr/local/share/powershell/Modules/RegionOrebroLan.Transforming/2.1.0"To see if anything is installed from your local PowerShell-repository:
Find-Module -Repository "PowerShell-Transforming"
The files in .powershell-repository:
give warnings but it seem to work anyhow.