Regista6 / EA-FC-Automated-SBC-Solving

EA FC 25 Automated SBC Solving using Integer Programming ⚽
MIT License
47 stars 9 forks source link
ai constraint-programming cp-sat fifa fifa-ultimate-team football football-analytics integer-programming optimization or-tools soccer-analytics

EA FC Automated SBC Solving ⚽ Open In Colab

How does this work? πŸš‚

This project utilizes integer programming to solve squad building challenges (SBCs). The optimization problem is solved using Google CP-SAT solver. This approach offers extensive customization capabilities, alongside the ability to determine solution optimality.

The goal is to obtain the squad with the minimum total cost.

How to use it? πŸ”§

Dependencies πŸ–₯️

Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install the required dependencies.

Other Interesting Open-Source SBC Solvers βš™οΈ

Acknowledgement πŸ™

Thank you GregoryWullimann for making the model creation process insanely faster.

Thank you Jacobi from EasySBC for helping with the squad_rating_constraint.

Thank you GeekFiro for testing the solver and providing valuable feedback and discussions.

Thank you fifagamer#1515 and Frederik for providing your club datasets (Real_Madrid_FC_24.csv and Frederik FC_24.csv) and your feedback.

Thank you ckalgos for creating the extension to download club dataset.

Thank you drRobertDev for providing the dataset Fc25Players.csv.

Thank you to everyone who have opened issues on the repo and provided their feedback.

Thank you to all the folks who commented on the reddit post.

Thank you FutDB for providing the API which allowed me to test the solver originally on 10k players (input.csv)