Welcome to my projects page! Below you will see a mapping of my various projects linked to their place in the repository along with some basic info. Below that, I talk a little about the research I'm currently working on.
Title | Description | Personal/Academic | Language |
Anomaly Detection | Extracted and cleaned data from huggingface dataset. Used SDV's library to generate synthetic data to then introduce intentional anomalies. Experimented with Scikit learn's IsolationForest by playing around with contamination rates. | Personal | Python |
Automated Gym Routine | Self-motivated project that can return a routine for you with set volumes, reps in range of concentric failure, weight and progression over time based on Renaissance Hypertrophy's ideals. Utilizes Propositional Logic in a knowledge base to query for soreness levels of mzuscles, and a simple soreness aggregator heuristic to calculate volume for next workout. | Personal | Python |
A* Search | Utilizes A* search to find optimal path within a maze with multiple goal states and uniform cost. | Academic // Algorithms & Analysis | Java |
Autocomplete | Utilizes a prefix trie and recursion to implement an autocomplete feature. | Academic // Data Structures & Applications | Java |
Bayesian Decision Making | Utilizing Bayesian Networks, Maximum Expected Utility and Value of Perfect Information to make intelligent decisions given a set of probabilities within a system. Worked with Aidan Bryce Dionisio. | Academic // Artificial Intelligence | Python |
Blindbot | Utilizing Propositional Logic and use of KnowledgeBase for inference testing to navigate a BlindBot through a maze of pits. Worked with Aidan Bryce Dionisio. | Academic // Artificial Intelligence | Python |
DCGAN on LoL Champion Icons | Utilizes Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network to replicate League of Legends Champion Icons taken from the Riot's API. | Personal | Python |
Distle | Utilizes dynamic programming to guess a secret word using edit distance and a list of top-down transformations to turn one string into another. Useful in real life circumstances when spell-checking. | Academic // Algorithms & Analysis | Java |
Huffman Tries | Utilizes Huffman Encoding and Decoding to compress size of files. | Academic // Algorithms & Analysis | Java |
Meeting Scheduling | Utilizes Arc and Node consistency to satisfy constraints associated with meeting times. | Academic // Algorithms & Analysis | Java |
Multi-Armed Bandit Problem | Experimented with different Action Selection Rules to try to solve a MAB problem. Worked with Diego Acosta, Eylul Akgul and, Aiden McDougald. | Academic // Cognitive Systems Design | Python |
Pac-man Q-Learning | Implemented a reinforcment learning system within a pac-man agent using Exact & Approximate Q-learning. Worked with Diego Acosta, Eylul Akgul and, Aiden McDougald. | Academic // Cognitive Systems Design | Python |
Pac-man Deep Q-Learning | Implemented a reinforcment learning system within a pac-man agent using Deep Q-learning. Worked with Diego Acosta, Eylul Akgul and, Aiden McDougald. | Academic // Cognitive Systems Design | Python |
Pac-man Particle Filtering | Utilizing Hidden Markov Models, to take advantage of particle filtering and noise emissions to solve a UC Berkeley Pacman problem by leveraging sklearn. Worked with Aidan Bryce Dionisio. | Academic // Artificial Intelligence | Python |
Recoup | Project done during a full-day hackathon in April 2023. Replit server is currently down so API call is not working at the moment. | Personal | JavaScript |
Smart Calendar | Current work-in-progress passion project that automatically and intelligently gives you a scheduled calendar with to-dos depending on your preferences. Back-end and algorithmic/AI focused. | Personal | Python |
Tic-Tac-Total | Utilizes alphabeta pruning and Adversarial search to decide best possible move against an optimal opponent. | Academic // Algorithms & Analysis | Java |
Toxicity & Salary Predictors using ML | Utilizing data files to make predictions on wikipedia comments, and salary with neural networks by leveraging preprocessing methods in sklearn's toolkit. Worked with Aidan Bryce Dionisio. | Academic // Artificial Intelligence | Python |
Valorant Role Predictor | Trains on current ability icons and associated agent's roles as labels to then predict the role of another ability based on its icon. | Personal | Python |
We are currently working on a hierarchical, multi-agent simulation environment, where agents are fitted with causal model based reinforcement decision systems. Read more here.