ReliefLabs / EasyTomato

Easy Tomato is a modified version of TomatoUSB, which is in turn a modified version of Jonathan Zarate’s excellent open source Tomato firmware. Relief Labs has worked to make this powerful firmware accessible to less technical users through easy to use documentation and a simplified interface
63 stars 19 forks source link


Ubuntu 12.04

Setup the environment.

sudo apt-get install git-core libncurses5 libncurses5-dev m4 bison gawk flex libstdc++6-4.4-dev g++-4.4 g++ git zlib1g-dev

If running a 64 bit OS, you'll need the 32 bit build tools: sudo apt-get install libc6-i386 lib32z-dev

git clone

sudo ln -s $HOME/EasyTomato/tools/brcm /opt/brcm

echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/brcm/hndtools-mipsel-linux/bin:/opt/brcm/hndtools-mipsel-uclibc/bin" >> ~/.profile

source ~/.profile

Build the firmware

cd ~/EasyTomato/release/src-rt

make r2nc V1=<build> V2=<optional-suffix>

V1 and V2 specify build number and an extra suffix. Both are optional.