Relkci / Zabbix_Bandwidth-vnstat

Zabbix Template - Get Daily, Monthly and Alltime Bandwidth Information /w Triggers
GNU General Public License v3.0
11 stars 3 forks source link


Zabbix Template - Get Daily, Monthly and All time Bandwidth Information /w Discovery & Triggers



Install vnstat, copy Zabbix Agent configuration (user parameters), import template, assign hosts, modify trigger macros.

Install vnstat

On monitored host, install vnstat

apt-get update
apt-get install vnstat
service vnstat restart

Note: using vnstat 2.6 does not require additional configuration.

Configuration File

Add config/bandwidth-vnstat.conf to your Zabbix-Agent configs folder (usually /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf.d/)

cp  config/bandwidth-vnstat.conf /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf.d/bandwidth-vnstat.conf

Restart Zabbix Agent

service zabbix-agent restart

Import Template

Import the Bandwidth-vnstat.yaml template into Zabbix.

Assign hosts

Assign a host to the 'Bandwidth by vnstat - Active Agent' Template

Update Macros

For each host, edit the inherited macro's to set the appropriate bandwidth limit for triggers.


Reminder that the default configuration for vnstat is to query the network interfaces every 60 seconds but update the back-end database only every 5 minutes. Consequently, Zabbix-Agent will receive updated bandwidth data from vnstat only every 5 minutes. It may be appropriate to update the query time for the Bandwidth items to match the vnstat database update, or modify the vnstat configuration to update the back-end database every 60 seconds.


Dashboard Screenshot (Daily Bandwidth Stacked) (1 Day)

Dashboard Screenshot (Monthly Bandwidth Stacked) (1 Day)

Problem Alert Showing Bandwidth Limits (Operational Data)

Dashboard Screenshot (Daily Bandwidth Stacked) ( 3 months)

Dashboard Screenshot (Monthly Bandwidth Stacked) ( 3 months)

Dashboard Screenshot (All Time Bandwidth Stacked) (6 months)

Dashboard Screenshot (Interval Bandwidth Change) (7 days)

Dashboard Screenshot (Per Second Bandwidth Change Stacked) (3 Months)

Discovery Item Prototypes

Discovery Graph Prototypes

Sample Triggered Alert Email

Trigger Macros


October 1, 2021

November 17, 2021

Known Issues


Special Thanks