Renwar-P / cherry-leaves

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Cherry Leaves

Dataset Content

Business Requirements

The cherry plantation crop from Farmy & Foods is facing a challenge where their cherry plantations have been presenting powdery mildew. Currently, the process is manual verification if a given cherry tree contains powdery mildew. An employee spends around 30 minutes in each tree, taking a few samples of tree leaves and verifying visually if the leaf tree is healthy or has powdery mildew. If there is powdery mildew, the employee applies a specific compound to kill the fungus. The time spent applying this compound is 1 minute. The company has thousands of cherry trees, located on multiple farms across the country. As a result, this manual process is not scalable due to the time spent in the manual process inspection.

To save time in this process, the IT team suggested an ML system that detects instantly, using a leaf tree image, if it is healthy or has powdery mildew. A similar manual process is in place for other crops for detecting pests, and if this initiative is successful, there is a realistic chance to replicate this project for all other crops. The dataset is a collection of cherry leaf images provided by Farmy & Foods, taken from their crops.

Hypothesis and how to validate?



The rationale to map the business requirements to the Data Visualisations and ML tasks

Business requirements

ML Business Case

Dashboard Design

Unfixed Bugs




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Main Data Analysis and Machine Learning Libraries

