Repped-In-Tech / chAI-notes

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ChAI-notes App

What are we about to get into?

We will be using the ChatGPT API to create a chat notes app.

Get Started

  1. Use the template to create this project on your own Github account
  2. It is up to you if you want to pull the code down to your local machine or use an online code editor like gitpod. whichever you chose, complete that.
  3. Follow GET_STARTED to setup the project
  4. In Chrome, open the Firebase Console
  5. In another tab, Create an account for the ChatGPT API


Acceptance Criteria

Stretch Goals:

More Resources

For the video walkthrough as well as other helpful tools if you are a diverse technologist, ally or sponsor of diversity and inlusion in tech, join #GRiThub