RepreZen / RapidML-ReadyAPI-Plugin

RAPID-ML Plugin for Ready! API
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openapi rapid-ml ready-api readyapi rest smartbear swagger tdd testing

:experimental: :imagesdir: ./images

= The RAPID-ML Plugin for Ready! API

The RAPID-ML Plugin for Ready! API allows SmartBear's[Ready! API] testing and virtualization suite to work with[RAPID-ML] models created in[RepreZen API Studio]. With this plugin, you can:

== Download and Install

To install the plugin to Ready! API:

. Download the plugin JAR file from the[jars page] (click on 'View Raw' to download), or <<building-the-plugin,build it yourself>> as described below.

. In Ready! API, click the btn:[Plugins] toolbar button to show the Plugin Manager.

. Click the btn:[Load plugin from file...] button, and open the plugin JAR file. You should see a message box indicating that the plugin has been installed successfully. Click btn:[OK], then btn:[Close] to dismiss the Plugin Manager.

Ready! API is now ready to import and export RepreZen API Studio's native[RAPID-ML] format.

NOTE: The export action is available on the RestResource, not on the project itself. See <<working-with-the-plugin,Working with the Plugin>> below for more details.

== Working with the Plugin

=== Importing a RAPID-ML Model NOTE: You can use models from the[RAPID-ML Model Examples] folder

RepreZen API Studio's Zen Model or RAPID Model is an API description in RAPID-ML format. RAPID-ML includes an intuitive, technology-neutral schema language to specify message formats, including data structures, enumerations, cardinality constraints, string length, regex and numeric range constraints. API Studio also includes an example-driven mock service and essential sandbox testing.

When your API is ready for comprehensive, methodical testing, you can import your RAPID-ML model directly into Ready! API for complete functional testing, load testing, security testing and API virtualization.

==== Importing a RAPID Model to a New Ready! API Project:

Follow this procedure to create a new Ready! API project, containing your imported RAPID model:

. In Ready! API, select menu:File[New Project].

. In the New Project dialog, make sure the create project from radio button is selected, and select RAPID-ML Model (REST) from the drop-down list. Click btn:[OK] to continue.

. In the Import RAPID-ML Model dialog box, enter a name for a new Ready! API project that will contain the imported API. Click btn:[Browse...] to select the RAPID-ML model. Click btn:[OK] to continue.

. Choose the location and name for your Ready! API Project file and click btn:[Save].

Your new project will appear on the left, under Recent (from the Start screen) or in the Projects tree (from the Projects screen). Double-click the project name to open its contents, and explore the definitions in Ready! API.

==== Importing a RAPID Model to an Existing Project

You can also import a RAPID-ML model into an existing Ready! API project:

. In the Projects screen, select the project you want to contain the imported RAPID model.

. From the right-click context menu, or from the Project menu, choose Import RepreZen / RAPID-ML Model.

. Click btn:[Browse...] to select the RAPID-ML model. Click btn:[OK] to continue.

The imported model should appear in the project view.

=== Exporting a REST API to RAPID-ML

You can export any REST API from Ready! API to RAPID-ML, for use in RepreZen API Studio:

. Make sure the Projects screen is active, with the tree expanded to show the REST API you want to export.

. Right-click the API (not the top-level project) and select Export RepreZen / RAPID-ML Model from the context menu.

. Choose the folder, filename and Base URI for the RAPID-ML model, and click btn:[OK]. You should see a message confirming that your RAPID-ML model has been exported successfully.

== Building the Plugin

To build the RAPID-ML Plugin for Ready! API, clone the Git repository, make sure you have maven installed, and run

mvn clean install assembly:single

NOTE: Maven creates two jars. We recommend using /target/RapidML-ReadyAPI-Plugin-1.0-dist.jar as it contains all of the required dependencies.