ReproNim / artwork

Some artwork (logos etc)
MIT License
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The ReproNim Artwork Repo

Art is in the eye of the beholder. We at ReproNim take a broad definition of 'art'. In this repo you will find traditional(ish) art items (like Logos and Pictures), but you will also find (or find pointers to) art-like objects such as Posters and Talks. All of this material is in the public domain.


Logos are found here

Here is an example ReproNim logo: ReproNim Logo


Pictures are found here

Here is an example ReproMan Run picture: ReproMan Run


Talks are found here


Posters are found here

Here is an example poster (OHBM-2019 Containers): Containers Poster

Want something else?

Just let us know (file an issue, or email!