Reqeique / Dimits

MIT License
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Dimits - Python Bindings for Piper TTS

Dimits is a Python library that provides an easy-to-use interface to the Piper text-to-speech (TTS) system. It utilizes the powerful Piper TTS engine, which is optimized for Raspberry Pi 4, to generate high-quality synthesized speech.


Installation πŸ“₯

You can install Dimits via pip:

pip install dimits

This will automatically install the necessary dependencies

Quick Start πŸƒπŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Here's a simple example of using Dimits to synthesize speech:

from dimits import Dimits

# Initialize Dimits with the desired voice model
dt = Dimits("en_US-amy-low")

# Convert text to audio and play it using the aplay engine
dt.text_2_speech("Hello World", engine="aplay")

Voices πŸ”Š

Dimits supports all the voices available in the Piper TTS system. To use a specific voice, simply provide corresponding .onnx file namepo initializing the Dimits class.

For a list of available voices and their download links, refer to the Piper TTS repository.

Usage πŸ“ƒ

Initializing Dimits

To use Dimits, first create an instance of the Dimits class, providing the path to the desired voice model:

from dimits import Dimits

dt = Dimits("en_US-amy-low")

Synthesizing Speech

To synthesize speech and play on the go, simply call the text_2_speech method, providing the text to be synthesized and the desired engine:

dt.text_2_speech("This is a test.",engine='aplay')

on other hand to synthesize speech and save it to the file, call text_2_audio_file finction providing file_name dir and format

dt.text_2_audio_file("Hello World", "hello_world", "/path/to/output/directory/", format="wav")

Changing Voices

To change the voice used for synthesis, create a new instance of the Dimits class with the desired voice model:

# dt = Dimits("en_US-amy-low")
dt = Dimits("en_US-danny-low")


License πŸͺͺ

This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Dimits is based on the work of the Piper project by Rhasspy, and is made possible by the contributions of its developers and the open source community. Without their hard work and dedication, this project would not be possible.