ResearchSoftwareHour / rsh-notes

Notes and todo-items about our programs
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Notes for Research Software Hour

Our program will evolve with time and based on feedback from the audience.

Each week, we want to do some simple stuff, some advanced stuff, some stuff more towards software/programming, some stuff more towards scientific computing/Linux.

How you can contribute

Here is how we track ideas and how you can contribute:

Types of segments

Types of segments, from least preparation to most (example prep time)

Ideas for topics

Research programming

Our first focus is research software skills, such as:

Scientific computing support skills

There are tons of related tools for working with code:

Evaluate your own code

We can take the code from a listener, go through it, discuss and give suggestions for improvements. Suggest by opening an issue in this repository or contacting one of us.

Other courses

Go through sections of other courses, such as

Unix tools

Linux/Unix is the key to what we do, and having a good grasp of it will improve almost all of your work (whatever operating system you use):

Data management

Everything is data, and sometimes your software problems are actually data problems:

Open science and reproducibility

Good software leads to good open science, and vice versa:

Discussion time

We answer any questions our watchers may have. Try to stump us!

Other resources