Reviewable / firelease

Firebase queue consumer for Node with at-least-once semantics.
MIT License
10 stars 1 forks source link


Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

A Firebase queue consumer for Node with at-least-once and at-most-once semantics, fine-grained concurrency controls, and support for promises and generators. Built on top of Nodefire.


All durations can be specified as either a human-readable string, or a number of milliseconds.

To use generators, make sure to set to a co-compatible function.

The module exposes these functions:

function attachWorker(ref, options, worker)

Attaches a worker function to consume tasks from a queue. You should normally attach no more than one worker per path in any given process, but it's OK to run multiple processes on the same paths concurrently. If you do, you probably want to set maxLeaseDelay to something greater than zero, to properly balance task distribution between the processes.

function pingQueues(callback, interval)

Sets up regular pinging of all queues. Can be called either before or after workers are attached, and will always ping all queues. Can be called more than once to change the parameters.

function extendLease(item, timeNeeded)

Extends the lease on a task to give the worker more time to finish. Checks a bunch of validity constraints along the way and throws an error if the worker needs to abort.

function shutdown()

Shuts down firelease by refusing to take new tasks, and returns a promise that resolves once all currently running tasks have completed.

function listTasksInProgress()

Returns an array of the URLs of all tasks that are currently being worked on.

There are also some module-level settings you can change:

globalMaxConcurrent: {number}

Set this to the maximum number of concurrent tasks being executed at any moment across all queues.

defaults: {Object}

Default option values for all subsequent attachWorker calls. See that function for details.

captureError: {function(Error)}

A function used to capture errors. Defaults to logging the stack to the console, but you may want to change it to something else in production. The function should take a single exception argument.