RevoltSecurities / SpideyX

SpideyX a multipurpose Web Penetration Testing tool with asynchronous concurrent performance with multiple mode and configurations.
MIT License
83 stars 20 forks source link
crawl crawler crawler-engine crawling crawling-framework crawling-sites crawling-tool

SpideyX 🕸️

SpideyX - A Web Reconnaissance Penetration Testing tool for Penetration Testers and Ethical Hackers that included with multiple mode with asynchronous concurrne performance. Spideyx is a tool that have 3 seperate modes and each mode are used for different approach and different methods, Spideyx is one tool but it equal to 3 tools because it have ability to crawling, Jsscraping, parameter fuzzing.


Install using pip:

pip install git+

Install using pipx

pipx install spideyx

Install using git

git clone
cd Spideyx
pip install .

these are methods that install spideyx succesfully into your machiene and ready to execute, but how to use the spideyx

Spidey main mode usage:

spideyx -h
                     _        __                  _  __
   _____    ____    (_)  ____/ /  ___    __  __  | |/ /
  / ___/   / __ \  / /  / __  /  / _ \  / / / /  |   /
 (__  )   / /_/ / / /  / /_/ /  /  __/ / /_/ /  /   |
/____/   / .___/ /_/   \__,_/   \___/  \__, /  /_/|_|
        /_/                           /____/


[DESCRIPTION]: spideyX - An asynchronous concurrent web penetration testing multipurpose tool


    - crawler        : spideyX asynchronous crawler mode to crawl urls with more user controllables settings.
    - paramfuzzer    : spideyX pramfuzzer mode , a faster mode to fuzz hidden parameters.
    - jsscrapy       : spideyX jsscrapy mode, included with asynchronous concurrency and find hidden endpoint and secrets using yaml template based regex.
    - update         : spideyX update mode to update and get latest update logs of spideyX


    -h,  --help   : Shows this help message and exits.


        spideyx [commands]

        Available Commands:

            - crawler          : Executes web crawling mode of spideyX.
            - paramfuzzer      : Excecutes paramfuzzer bruteforcing mode of spideyX.
            - jsscrapy         : Executes jscrawl mode of spideyX to crawl js  hidden endpoints & credentials using template based regex.
            - update           : Executes the update mode of spideyX

        Help Commands:

            - crawler         : spideyx crawler  -h
            - paramfuzzer     : spideyx paramfuzzer -h
            - jsscrapy        : spideyx jsscrapy -h
            - update          : spideyx update -h

SpideyX Modes:

SpideyX have 3 different mode that used for 3 different purposes and thse are the modes of SpideX:

SpideyX Crawler Mode:

SpideyX Crawler Mode is more than just another web crawling tool. It provides advanced capabilities for both active and passive crawling of web applications. Whether you need to explore URLs recursively with a specified depth or perform comprehensive passive crawling using various external resources, SpideyX has you covered.

SpideyX crawler Features:

SpideyX crawler mode usages:

spideyx crawler -h

                .__     .___
  ____________  |__|  __| _/  ____   ___.__.___  ___
 /  ___/\____ \ |  | / __ | _/ __ \ <   |  |\  \/  /
 \___ \ |  |_> >|  |/ /_/ | \  ___/  \___  | >    <
/____  >|   __/ |__|\____ |  \___  > / ____|/__/\_ \
     \/ |__|             \/      \/  \/           \/


    [MODE]: spideyX crawler mode!


            spidey crawler [options]

            Options for crawler mode:


                  -site,  --site          : target url for spideyX to crawl
                  -sties, --sites         : target urls for spideyX to crawl
                  stdin/stdout            : target urls for spideyX using stdin


                  -tgs, --tags-attrs      : spideyx crawling tags can be configured using this flags you can control spideyx crawling  (ex: -tgs 'a:href,link:src,src:script')
                  -dept, --dept           : dept value to crawl for urls by spideyx (info: only in active crawling) (default: 1)
                  -X,  --method           : request method for crawling (default: get) (choices: "get", "post", "head", "put", "delete", "patch", "trace", "connect", "options")
                  -H,  --headers          : custom headers & cookies to send in http request for authenticated or custom header crawling
                  -ra, --random-agent     : use random user agents for each request in crawling urls instead of using default user-agent of spideyx
                  -to , --timeout          : timeout values for each request in crawling urls (default: 15)
                  -px, --proxy            : http proxy url to send request via proxy
                  -ar, --allow-redirect   : follow redirects for each http request
                  -mr, --max-redirect     : values for max redirection to follow
                  -mxr, --max-redirection : specify maximum value for maximum redirection to be followed when making requests.
                  -cp, --config-path      : configuration file path for spideyX
                  --http2, --http2        : use http2 protocol to give request and crawl urls, endpoints


                  -hic, --host-include    : specify hosts to include urls of it and show in results with comma seperated values  (ex: -hc,
                  -hex, --host-exclude    : speify  hosts to exclude urls of it and show in results with comma seperated values   (ex: -hex,
                  -cs,  --crawl-scope     : specify the inscope url to be crawled by spideyx (ex: -cs /api/products or -cs inscope.txt)
                  -cos, --crawl-out-scope : specify the outscope url to be not crawled by spideyx (ex: -cos /api/products or -cos outscope.txt)


                 -em, --extension-match  : extensions to blacklist and avoid including in output with comma seperated values (ex: -wl php,asp,jspx,html)
                 -ef, --extension-filter : extensions to whitelist and include in output with comma seperated values (ex: -bl jpg,css,woff)
                 -mr, --match-regex      : sepcify a regex or list of regex to match in output by spideyx
                 -fr, --filter-regex     : specify a regex or list of regex to exclude in output by spideyx


                  -ps, --passive          : use passive resources for crawling (alienvault, commoncrawl, virustotal)
                  -pss, --passive-source  : passive sources to use for finding endpoints with comma seperated values (ex: -pss alienvault,virustotal)


                  -c,  --concurrency      : no of concurrency values for concurrent crawling (default: 50)
                  -pl, --parallelism      : no of parallelism values for parallel crawling for urls (default: 2)
                  -delay, --delay         : specify a delay value between each concurrent requests (default: 0.1)

                  -o, --output            : output file to store results of spideyX

                  -s,  --silent          : display only output to console
                  -vr, --verbose          : increase the verbosity of the output

SpideyX crawler mode configurations:

File Input:

spideyx crawler -sites urls.txt

Url Input:

spideyx crawler -site

Stdin Input:

cat urls.txt | spideyx crawler -dept 5
subdominator -d | subprober -nc | spideyx crawler

Authenticated Crawling:

Using the -H or --headers flag, spideyx enables crawling of protected endpoints that require authentication. By including headers such as Authorization: Bearer or Cookie: sessionid=, spideyx crawler mode simulates an authenticated user session. This grants access to sections of the website that are not available to unauthenticated crawlers, such as user profiles, dashboards, or admin areas. This feature helps ensure that the crawling process explores all available resources, providing a more comprehensive security assessment.

echo | spideyx crawler -dept 5 -H Authorization eyhweiowuaohbdabodua.cauogodaibeajbikrba.wuogasugiuagdi -H X-Bugbounty-User

Dept Crawling:

Filters & Matching: SpideyX can filter and match your output using extensions, regex, hosts, regex and for that you can use flags -em ,--extentsion-match to match the desired extensions in the urls

spideyx crawler -site -em .js,.jsp,.asp,.apsx,.php

and you can filter extension using falgs: -ef, --extension-filters or spideyx have predefined blacklist of extensions not to crawl or include in output.

spideyx crawler -site -ef .css,.woff,.woff2,.mp3,.mp4,.pdf

Sometimes you dont want to include some subdomains of your target to not to crawl and here spideyx can also include and exclude host using flag: -hic, --host-include these can be used to match hosts you want to include.

spideyx crawler -site -hic,,

Spideyx can also exclude the hosts to not include in crawling scope and you can use these flags: -hex, --host-exclude

spideyx crawler -site -hex,

Tag and Attribute Configuration:

-tgs, --tags-attrs Configure which HTML tags and attributes SpideyX should crawl. This flag allows you to control the crawling behavior by specifying tags and attributes of interest. Example: -tgs 'a:href,link:src,src:script' Description: This option tells SpideyX to look for and extract URLs from href attributes in tags, src attributes in tags, and src attributes in Githubissues.

  • Githubissues is a development platform for aggregating issues.