Reynicke / Jimai

A Jira > Kimai connector
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Jimai is a node based CLI tool to transfer worklogs of a single day from Jira to Kimai.


  1. Get clone or download this repo
  2. Run npm install or yarn to install dependencies
  3. Create a config file


To create a config.js file you should use config.example.js as template.

jiraUserName: Your Jira user name to identify your own worklogs
project: Used as filter to find your worklogs
pass: Jira token for API access
api: Url to JSON api
auth: User name and password 

Used to identify which Jira worklogs should go to which Kimai tasks. Add entries for specific Jira issues. All other worklogs will be mapped to the default entry.

How to use

Run Jimai to see all worklogs you added to Jira for today. This is a dry run.

$ ./

To use data from another day, use the --date argument:

$ ./ --date 2019-01-24

Jimai prints all found worklogs so you can check if everything is fine. If you finally want to send data to Kimai use the --write argument.

$ ./ --write
$ ./ --date 2019-01-24 --write