Rezatachi / Sonucycle

Sonucycle is a web application that allows users to log their daily activities, interactions, or journal entries.
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Requirements Document: Emotional Health Tracker



The Emotional Health Tracker is a web application that allows users to log their daily activities, interactions, or journal entries. The application will use the Hume AI emotion expression model to analyze the emotional patterns and provide insights, recommendations, and alerts related to the user's emotional well-being over time. Additionally, the application will incorporate a feature to recommend songs based on the user's detected emotional state.

Functional Requirements

1. User Authentication and Profile Management

2. Daily Journal Entry

3. Emotion Analysis and Tracking

4. Emotional Well-being Insights

5. Song Recommendations

6. Notifications and Alerts

7. Reporting and Data Visualization

Non-Functional Requirements

1. Security and Privacy

2. Scalability and Performance

3. User Experience and Accessibility

4. Integration with Third-Party Services

5. Maintenance and Upgradability

Technical Requirements

1. Front-end Technologies

2. Back-end Technologies

3. Hume AI Integration

4. Music API Integration

5. Deployment and Hosting

6. Testing and Quality Assurance

Project Management and Timeline

This section should outline the project management approach, team structure, and a tentative timeline for development, testing, and deployment phases.


This requirements document outlines the key features, functional and non-functional requirements, and technical specifications for the Emotional Health Tracker application. It serves as a guideline for the development team and stakeholders to ensure the successful delivery of the project.