RhysU / tuna

Tuna: A Chunk-based Lightweight AutoTuna
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A Chunk-based Lightweight AutoTuna |BuildStatus|_

.. |BuildStatus| image:: https://app.travis-ci.com/RhysU/tuna.svg?branch=master .. _BuildStatus: https://app.travis-ci.com/RhysU/tuna

.. contents:: :local:


Ever run into a problem where you can code multiple correct solutions but lack a robust way to choose the best among them?

Maybe your inputs are small enough that asymptotic complexity isn't the whole story. Maybe you lack the time to choose based on careful performance observations. Maybe you lack the details to concoct a representative use case for tuning purposes. Or maybe you want to do a little future-proofing just in case the requirements change...

Tuna is for you. Tuna provides lightweight automatic tuning over semantically-indistinguishable chunks of code. It works by misusing the ideas behind A/B testing <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A/B_testing>_ in a straightforward manner that definitely won't pass peer review.

A Sorting Example

Hypothetically, say you want to sort many small lists. Let's autotune over three candidate O(n ln n) sorting algorithms with Tuna::

#include <tuna.h>

void smallsort(int a[], int n) {
    static tuna_site  si;
    static tuna_chunk ks[3];
    tuna_stack st;
    switch (tuna_pre(&si, &st, ks, tuna_countof(ks))) {
        default: sort_insertion(a, n); break;
        case 1:  sort_qsort    (a, n); break;
        case 2:  sort_heap     (a, n); break;
    tuna_post(&st, ks);

We just wrapped sort_insertion(), sort_qsort() and sort_heap() so that the chunk of logic selected on any invocation of smallsort() is dynamically modified based on the observed performance thus far. Nothing more is required.

Generally, each call site autotuned by Tuna has a long-lived tuna_site and a contiguous array of tuna_chunk instances, one per chunk under consideration. Here, static storage is used to ensure both are zero-initialized and that they persist across calls. Additionally, a tuna_stack shuttles stack-oriented, one-time information from tuna_pre() to tuna_post(). Sensible algorithmic defaults are chosen, but some runtime-selection of behavior can be had. For details, look in tuna.h <tuna/tuna.h>_ for the TUNA_ALGO and TUNA_SEED environment variables.

This smallsort example <examples/smallsort.c>_ is included with Tuna. Let's run 1000 sorts on integer lists with 150 elements::

$ ./examples/smallsort 1000 150
niter=1000, nelem=150, memory=160 bytes
TUNA$ smallsort welch1
TUNA> smallsort insertion           961     2.50007e-05 +/-     2.57965e-06
TUNA> smallsort qsort(3)              5     3.58456e-05 +/-     6.24654e-06
TUNA> smallsort heap                 34     2.77568e-05 +/-     1.71520e-06

The first, second, and third numeric columns are the sample count, mean, and standard deviation observed for each chunk, respectively. Times are given in seconds as measured by CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID. On lists of 150 elements, sort_insertion() is faster and invoked the lion's share of the time we call smallsort(). The other two chunks are called at least five times each. Why five? Tuna omits the three worst outliers from consideration when computing statistics. This forgives one-time hiccups like slow startup times. Two more calls are required to have a sample standard deviation.

Turning to 165 and then 180 elements per list::

$ ./examples/smallsort 1000 165
niter=1000, nelem=165, memory=160 bytes
TUNA$ smallsort welch1
TUNA> smallsort insertion           471     3.08471e-05 +/-     4.24399e-06
TUNA> smallsort qsort(3)              5     4.01970e-05 +/-     6.12079e-06
TUNA> smallsort heap                524     3.07392e-05 +/-     2.57830e-06

$ ./examples/smallsort 1000 180
niter=1000, nelem=180, memory=160 bytes
TUNA$ smallsort welch1
TUNA> smallsort insertion           81     3.47211e-05 +/-     2.72590e-06
TUNA> smallsort qsort(3)             5     5.46578e-05 +/-     2.03987e-05
TUNA> smallsort heap               914     3.34313e-05 +/-     2.05495e-06

At 165 elements per list, you can see sort_heap() has a mean performance closer to sort_insertion() now. Tuna invokes it frequently, sampling it more often than before on account of its standard deviation arguably making it the fastest given the samples Tuna observed thus far. At 180 elements, sort_heap() becomes statistically faster and is therefore more heavily used. Tuna discovered the change in behavior around 165 samples in the presence of sampling noise allowing the code to automatically benefit from the faster chunk regardless of input size.

The algorithmic details are exceedingly simple. Aside from some basic timing and running statistics accumulation with outlier tracking, it all boils down to performing a one-sided Welch t-test <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welch's_t_test>_ on each call to tuna_pre(). Instead of accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis based on interpreting the p-value from the t statistic, a uniform random number is drawn on [0,1] to determine which chunk to select. This all occurs in tuna_algo_welch1(). Other algorithms are available by setting TUNA_ALGO as described by from reading tuna_algo_default(). tuna_post() performs post-invocation bookkeeping. Non-time cost measures can be used by calling tuna_post_cost() instead of tuna_post().

Possible Use Cases

Tuna was written to be easy to shoehorn into many similar problem contexts:

  1. Should I recompute some mildly expensive value or pay to retrieve it from a cache?
  2. Should I offload some expensive computation to a coprocessor (Xeon Phi? GPU?) or will the offload latency kill me?
  3. What problem-size-dependent algorithmic parameters should I use for compute kernels? An example using blocked matrix multiplication <examples/blockedmm.c>_ is available.
  4. How many threads should I employ for a compute kernel before resource contention causes them to all fall over?
  5. Which of several numerics choices will give me the best time-to-solution for the particular physics problem I want to solve?
  6. Write a decorator for Python to add nice, crisp syntax so you can automatically find the fastest of the 57 ways you can write your logic using NumPy/SciPy.
  7. You tell me.

The necessary tuna_site and tuna_chunk data may be stored anywhere. For simplicity, the examples have them as file- or function-scoped static data. But they could just as well be member data in a C++ object. Or they could live in a map keyed by some identifier to permit interrogating what autotuning choices were made by an atexit(3) hook. Additional locking is required should a multi-threaded setting be desired.

Build and Installation

The usual GNU Autotools dance should work::

./bootstrap && ./configure --prefix=somewhere && make all check install

Afterwards you can include <tuna.h> and link with -ltuna. For those that dislike the GNU Autotools or who simply want to directly incorporate the functionality, the files tuna.h <tuna/tuna.h> and tuna.c <tuna/tuna.c> comprise the entire library and they can be dropped in place nearly anywhere.