Riadh-Bouarroudj / Reversible-fragile-watermarking

This code provides a solution for digital image authentication and tamper localization using reversible fragile watermarking.
Apache License 2.0
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authentication data-hiding digital-watermarking fragile-watermarking image-processing reversible-data-hiding watermark watermarking


Description and explanation

With the widespread availability of powerful image manipulation software, achieving authentication and anti-counterfeiting for digital images is increasingly important. This code provides a solution for digital image authentication and tamper localization using reversible fragile watermarking.

Fragile watermarking is a data-hiding technique that conceals information, known as the watermark within an image (referred to as the host or cover image) without causing significant distortion to the original image. The resulting image, termed the watermarked image, is then transmitted to the receiver, who can extract the watermark to determine whether the image has undergone any alteration. If the watermarked image is found to be altered, the tampered areas will be accurately highlighted, and the recovery process will take place to restore the altered regions. Otherwise, if the watermarked image is unaltered, the original image can be restored due to the model’s reversibility, which is useful in sensitive domains such as the medical sector where any alteration is deemed unacceptable.

Untitled Diagram (13)

In the proposed solution, an authentication watermark is embedded within the cover image using a reversible embedding technique based on the maximum coefficient values. To enhance the model’s security, the authentication watermark is encrypted using the Henon map, allowing accurate tamper localization. This method is considered semi-blind, as it requires a list called "Max_frequencies" to be transmitted along with the watermarked image for the watermark extraction process.

To assess the quality of the watermarked and restored images produced by the model, three image quality metrics are employed: Mean Square Error (MSE), Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), and Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM). Additionally, the Bit Error Rate (BER) metric is used to evaluate the accuracy of the watermark extraction procedure.

Structure and important details

Data citation

If you find this code to be useful for your scientific research, please cite some of the following papers associated with this code:

Image sources

The Datasets used to evaluate the proposed method’s performance can be accessed via the following links: