RicardoAzuul / code-institute-ms4-fullstack

Full Stack Milestone Project using the Django framework
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link

Git Fit

Git Fit is a fitness subscription application.

The user's goal is to join a fitness community and purchase exercise plans and merchandise.

The site owner's goal is to build an active community around the product based on subscription and individual payments models, and to sell: exercise plans, nutrition plans, nutrition products and exercise products

Must haves for this project:

Nice to have:

To see the site in action, visit Git Fit

Initially I wanted to name the project Fit Family, and create a more family oriented webapp, but I didn't like the colour palette and couldn't find suitable images. Leftovers from this are still present in the code, but it doesn't affect the webapp.

UI and UX

User stories

Not all User Stories have been completed. Basic shopping functionality has been completed, but user stories that are about the community side of the project have yet to be resolved.

Viewing and Navigation Done User Story ID As A/An I Want To Be Able To... So That I Can... Screenshot
✔️ 1 Shopper View a list of products Select some to purchase Products
✔️ 2 Shopper View individual product details Identify the price, description, product rating, product image and available sizes Product details
✔️ 3 Shopper Quickly identify deals, clearance items and special offers Take advantage of special savings on products I'd like to purchase Deals
✔️ 4 Shopper Easily view the total of my purchases at any time Avoid spending too much Cart
✔️ 5 Site User Easily view the site on any device Use the site whenever and wherever I'd like See the Responsiveness of Pages section
Registration and User Accounts Done User Story ID As A/An I Want To Be Able To... So That I Can... Screenshot
✔️ 6 Site User Easily register for an account Have a personal account and be able to view my profile Register
✔️ 7 Site User Easily login or logout Access my personal account information Login
✔️ 8 Site User Easily recover my password in case I forget it Recover access to my account Recover
✔️ 9 Site User Receive an email confirmation after registering Verify that my account registration was successful Registration
✔️ 10 Site User Have a personalized user profile View my personal order history and order confirmations, and save my payment information Profile
11 Site User Easily review products Help my fellow fitness community members to find the right product
Sorting and Searching Done User Story ID As A/An I Want To Be Able To... So That I Can... Screenshot
✔️ 12 Shopper Sort the list of available products Easily identify the best rated, best priced and categorically sorted products Sort
✔️ 13 Shopper Sort a specific category of product Find the best-priced or best-rated product in a specific category, or sort the products in that category by name Category
✔️ 14 Shopper Sort multiple categories of products simultaneously Find the best-priced or best-rated products across broad categories, such as "clothing" or "exercise equipment" Multi Category
✔️ 15 Shopper Search for a product by name or description Find a specific product I'd like to purchase Search
✔️ 16 Shopper Easily see what I've searched for and the number of results Quickly decide whether the product I want is available Screenshot for user story 15 works here too
Purchasing and Checkout Done User Story ID As A/An I Want To Be Able To... So That I Can... Screenshot
✔️ 17 Shopper Easily select the quantity of a product when purchasing it Ensure I don't accidentally select the wrong quantity Screenshot user story 2
✔️ 18 Shopper View items in my cart to be purchased Identify the total cost of my purchase and all items I will receive Screenshot user story 4
✔️ 19 Shopper Adjust the quantity of individual items in my cart Easily make changes to my purchase before checkout Same as above
✔️ 20 Shopper Easily enter my payment information Check out quickly and with no hassle Checkout
✔️ 21 Shopper Feel my personal and payment information is safe and secure Confidently provide the needed information to make a purchase Same as above
✔️ 22 Shopper View an order confirmation after checkout Verify that I haven't made any mistakes Confirmation
✔️ 23 Shopper Receive an email confirmation after checkout Keep the confirmation of what I've purchased for my records Email
Community Done User Story ID As A/An I Want To Be Able To... So That I Can... Screenshot
24 Subscriber Post updates about my progress Update my fellow members on my successes
25 Subscriber Add and edit information on my profile pertaining to my fitness goals Receive nutrition and exercise plans tailored to my fitness goals
26 Subscriber Easily find other subscribers Feel part of a community and get motivated
27 Subscriber Easily see updates from other subscribers Feel part of a community and get motivated
28 Subscriber Easily find information about the subscriptions available Make an informed choice about my subscription
29 Subscriber Easily find workouts Work on my fitness goal
30 Subscriber Easily find nutrition plans Work on my fitness goal
Admin and Store Management Done User Story ID As A/An I Want To Be Able To... So That I Can... Screenshot
✔️ 31 Store Owner/Admin Easily login or logout Access the admin interface of the webapp Admin
✔️ 32 Store Owner/Admin Add a product Add new items to my store Add Product
✔️ 33 Store Owner/Admin Edit/update a product Change product prices, descriptions, images and other product criteria Edit Product
✔️ 34 Store Owner/Admin Delete a product Remove items that are no longer for sale Delete Product
35 Store Owner/Admin Add a subscription Add new subscription options
36 Store Owner/Admin Edit/update a subscription Change subscription prices, descriptions, linked workouts and nutrition
37 Store Owner/Admin Delete a subscription Remove subscriptions that are no longer available
✔️ 38 Store Owner/Admin Add a workout Add new workouts Add Workout
✔️ 39 Store Owner/Admin Edit/update a workout Change workouts Edit Workout
✔️ 40 Store Owner/Admin Delete a workout Remove workouts that are no longer promoted Delete Workout
41 Store Owner/Admin Add a nutrition plan Add new nutrition plans
42 Store Owner/Admin Edit/update a nutrition plan Change nutrition plan
43 Store Owner/Admin Delete a nutrition plan Remove nutrition plans that are no longer promoted
✔️ 44 Store Owner/Admin Add subscription features to the home page To entice visitors to subscribe Add Feature
✔️ 45 Store Owner/Admin Edit subscription features visible on the home page To tweak the features and entice visitors to subscribe Edit Feature
✔️ 46 Store Owner/Admin Delete subscription features visible on the home page To remove features that are no longer offered Same as above
✔️ 47 Store Owner/Admin Add shop alerts to the products page To update the shop and make visitors aware of for example new deals Add Shop Alert
✔️ 48 Store Owner/Admin Edit shop alerts visible on the products page To change shop alerts Edit Shop Alert
✔️ 49 Store Owner/Admin Delete shop alerts visible on the products page To remove shop alerts that are no longer applicable Same as above
Viewing and Navigation - Workouts Done User Story ID As A/An I Want To Be Able To... So That I Can... Screenshot
✔️ 50 Registered User View a list of workouts Select workouts to do Workouts
✔️ 51 Registered User View individual workout details Identify the description, rating, equipment needed and what the workout targets Workout Details
Sorting and Searching - Workouts Done User Story ID As A/An I Want To Be Able To... So That I Can... Screenshot
✔️ 52 Registered User Sort the list of available workouts Easily identify the best rated, categorically sorted workouts Sort
✔️ 53 Registered User Sort a specific category of workout Find the best-rated workout in a specific category, or sort the workouts in that category by name Category

The 5 Planes of Design

Jesse James Garret's 5 planes of UX design were used to design the site. I started off at the Strategy Plane:

Strategy Plane

The main goal for visitors is to find and join a fitness community they might like.

This means giving visitors a feeling about the kind of community they are joining.

Git Fit sets out to be no nonsense and active, aggressive almost. Git Fit is for goal-oriented people. For now it is just a shop, but by adding subscriptions, we can create a community, with exercise and nutrition plans and a way for subscribers to connect.

So the main page has to have a call to action in the form of a button to take you to subscriptions. We also need a hero image that exemplifies the image of Git Fit. Some brief text to indicate what subscribers gain access to would also be good.

We also indicate that there is a shop, workouts and account option by having options for these in the navbar.

Scope Plane

The functional specifications of the site:

Content requirements:

Structure Plane

All pages should have the same navigation bar and footer:

The Home Page

The Profile Page

The Community Page - not yet implemented

The Shop Page

The Workouts Page

The Nutrition Page - not yet implemented

Skeleton Plane

The navigation bar will be added to the top of every page and will always remain visible. It contains a home link on the left side, a search bar for searching in the store in the middle, an icon containing the workout options, an icon containing the account options - register and login, and if you're logged in a link to your profile, and if you're a superuser, a link to add a product.

There is also a cart icon, which updates when you add items to your cart and which links to the cart page, from where you can do checkouts.

There are links to all pages on this navbar, though some links are only visible if the user has logged in. On the left will be the logo, which when clicked upon will take the visitor back to the home page.

The home page has a hero image, a call to action to register, a button to take you to the shop and features of subscriptions.

The shopping page has cards for the products. You can choose different categories of products, sort by price and category and rating and click on a product to get more information and add it to your cart.

The cart page keeps track of the items you've added to your cart, giving you a running total and the option to check out.

The checkout page allows you to fill in shipping details and a creditcard for payment.

The checkout success page contains a summary of your order and order details.

The profile page contains a form to fill in delivery details or show prefilled delivery details, and has links to the order history for registered users.

The workouts page has cards for different workouts. You can choose workouts by body part they target, equipment needed or specific muscle groups they target. You can click on a workout to get more information about it.

At the bottom of every page will be the same footer, containing the brand, icons of various payment methods and links to various social media sites.

Surface Plane

We use icons from Font Awesome to add some visual interest but also visual cues to indicate functionality.

We use Bootstrap as a basis, but add our own style. Git Fit needs to look no-nonsense, active, almost aggressive. To create a bold, active, almost aggressive look we use a black, red and white color scheme, similar to Netflix.

The header font is also chosen to reflect this: a slab serif font that is bold and in your face.

Buttons have no rounded borders, to create a sleek design. Red is mainly used as an accent color, to draw attention to elements on the page.


These wireframes were used as a basis to design the actual webapp. However, sometimes the actual project deviates from the wireframes, because the endresult looked better or was more easily achieved than the wireframe.

The layout of the workouts section is very similar to the shop and product pages, just with some slight change in details.

Database Design

The database design can be found here There are 11 models:

  1. Profiles
  2. Orders
  3. Order Line Items
  4. Products
  5. Product Categories (only editable via admin portal)
  6. Workouts
  7. BodyParts (linked to Workouts, only editable via admin portal)
  8. Equipment (linked to Workouts, only editable via admin portal)
  9. Targets (linked to Workouts, only editable via admin portal)
  10. Features (only editable via admin portal)
  11. ShopAlerts (only editable via admin portal)

The Profiles model is linked to the allauth User model, but I don't know how this model is constructed.


Existing Features

Features Left to Implement

Technologies Used

Responsiveness of Pages

These screenshots indicate the responsiveness of the pages on various screens. Pages that require a login are not included, as are checkout and checkout success, as these require adding items to the cart.


Tests for Readme.md:

Automated tests

There are some automated tests using Django's own testing capabilities. python manage.py test --verbosity=2


test_get_cart (cart.tests.TestViews)
When browsing to /cart/ we get ... ok
test_blank_feature (home.tests.TestModels)
When a feature is created with no ... ok
test_max_length_name_feature (home.tests.TestModels)
When a feature is created with a header longer than ... ok
test_get_home (home.tests.TestViews)
When browsing to / we get a 200 code, ... ok
test_get_login (home.tests.TestViews)
When browsing to /accounts/login we ... ok
test_get_password_reset (home.tests.TestViews)
When browsing to /accounts/password/reset ... ok
test_get_signup (home.tests.TestViews)
When browsing to /accounts/signup we ... ok
test_all_blank_product_category (products.tests.TestModels)
When a category is created with no ... ok
test_blank_description_product (products.tests.TestModels)
When a product is created with no description, ... ok
test_blank_fields_product (products.tests.TestModels)
When a product is created, category, sku, ... ok
test_blank_name_product (products.tests.TestModels)
When a product is created with no name, ... ok
test_blank_price_product (products.tests.TestModels)
When a product is created with no price, ... ok
test_blank_shopalert (products.tests.TestModels)
When a shopalert is created with no ... ok
test_friendly_name_blank_product_category (products.tests.TestModels)
When a category is created, friendly name is blank ... ok
test_max_length_image_url_product (products.tests.TestModels)
When a product is created with an image_url ... ok
test_max_length_name_product (products.tests.TestModels)
When a product is created with a name ... ok
test_max_length_name_product_category (products.tests.TestModels)
When a category is created with a name longer than ... ok
test_max_length_name_shopalert (products.tests.TestModels)
When a shopalert is created with a name longer than ... ok
test_max_length_sku_product (products.tests.TestModels)
When a product is created with a sku ... ok
test_delete_category_of_product (products.tests.TestViews)
When a category is deleted for a product, ... ok
test_all_blank_bodypart (workouts.tests.TestModels)
When a bodypart is created with no ... ok
test_all_blank_equipment (workouts.tests.TestModels)
When a equipment is created with no ... ok
test_all_blank_target (workouts.tests.TestModels)
When a target is created with no ... ok
test_blank_description_workout (workouts.tests.TestModels)
When a workout is created with no description, ... ok
test_blank_fields_workout (workouts.tests.TestModels)
When a workout is created, bodypart, equipment, ... ok
test_blank_image_workout (workouts.tests.TestModels)
When a workout is created with no image, ... ok
test_blank_name_workout (workouts.tests.TestModels)
When a workout is created with no name, ... ok
test_delete_fields_of_workout (workouts.tests.TestModels)
When the bodypart, equipment and target objects are deleted for a workout, ... ok
test_friendly_name_blank_bodypart (workouts.tests.TestModels)
When a bodypart is created, friendly name is blank ... ok
test_friendly_name_blank_equipment (workouts.tests.TestModels)
When a equipment is created, friendly name is blank ... ok
test_friendly_name_blank_target (workouts.tests.TestModels)
When a target is created, friendly name is blank ... ok
test_max_length_name_bodypart (workouts.tests.TestModels)
When a bodypart is created with a name longer than ... ok
test_max_length_name_equipment (workouts.tests.TestModels)
When a equipment is created with a name longer than ... ok
test_max_length_name_target (workouts.tests.TestModels)
When a target is created with a name longer than ... ok
test_max_length_name_workout (workouts.tests.TestModels)
When a workout is created with a name ... ok
test_get_workouts (workouts.tests.TestViews)
When browsing to /workouts/ we get a 302 code, ... ok

Coverage report: coverage run --source='.' manage.py test Name Stmts Miss Cover

cart__init.py 0 0 100% cart\apps.py 4 0 100% cart\contexts.py 24 7 71% cart\migrations__init.py 0 0 100% cart\templatetags__init.py 0 0 100% cart\templatetags\cart_tools.py 5 1 80% cart\tests.py 6 0 100% cart\urls.py 3 0 100% cart\views.py 40 31 22% checkout__init.py 1 0 100% checkout\admin.py 12 0 100% checkout\apps.py 6 0 100% checkout\forms.py 18 11 39% checkout\migrations\0001_initial.py 7 0 100% checkout\migrations__init__.py 0 0 100% checkout\models.py 51 14 73% checkout\signals.py 9 2 78% checkout\urls.py 4 0 100% checkout\views.py 86 70 19% checkout\webhook_handler.py 71 56 21% checkout\webhooks.py 28 19 32% custom_storages.py 6 6 0% env.py 6 0 100% fit_family\init.py 0 0 100% fit_family\asgi.py 4 4 0% fit_family\settings.py 68 20 71% fit_family\urls.py 5 0 100% fit_family\wsgi.py 4 4 0% home\init__.py 0 0 100% home\admin.py 6 0 100% home\apps.py 4 0 100% home\migrations\0001_initial.py 5 0 100% home\migrations\init.py 0 0 100% home\models.py 4 0 100% home\tests.py 31 0 100% home\urls.py 3 0 100% home\views.py 6 0 100% manage.py 12 2 83% products\init.py 0 0 100% products\admin.py 14 0 100% products\apps.py 4 0 100% products\forms.py 15 6 60% products\migrations\0001_initial.py 6 0 100% products\migrations\0002_shopalert.py 4 0 100% products\migrations\init.py 0 0 100% products\models.py 26 3 88% products\tests.py 70 1 99% products\urls.py 3 0 100% products\views.py 92 77 16% products\widgets.py 7 0 100% profiles\init__.py 0 0 100% profiles\apps.py 4 0 100% profiles\forms.py 18 11 39% profiles\migrations\0001_initial.py 8 0 100% profiles\migrations\init.py 0 0 100% profiles\models.py 21 4 81% profiles\urls.py 3 0 100% profiles\views.py 26 17 35% workouts\init__.py 0 0 100% workouts\admin.py 18 0 100% workouts\apps.py 4 0 100% workouts\forms.py 25 16 36% workouts\migrations\0001_initial.py 6 0 100% workouts\migrations\init__.py 0 0 100% workouts\models.py 37 7 81% workouts\tests.py 86 0 100% workouts\urls.py 3 0 100% workouts\views.py 95 79 17% workouts\widgets.py 7 0 100%

TOTAL 1141 468 59%

Manual tests The webapp has been tested with Google Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge, and on a Huawei P smart+ 2019 Android smartphone and found to be working fine. Below are more elaborate tests:

Viewing and Navigation Test Expected Passed
Browsing to the home page as an anonymous user I see a call to action to sign up, as well as several features that signing up will get me ✔️
Browsing to the home page as a logged in user I just see the hero image and the 'Buy' button ✔️
Clicking on the social media links as either an anonymous user or logged in user A new tab opens going to that social media page ✔️
Clicking on the navbar brand as either an anonymous user or logged in user I go back to the home page ✔️
Clicking on the 'Buy' button as either an anonymous user or logged in user I go to the products page and see a list of products ✔️
Clicking on the 'Register' button as an anonymous user I go to the register page and see a form to register for an account ✔️
Clicking on the 'Workouts' button as an anonymous user I see options to either register or login, which take me to either a register or login page ✔️
Clicking on the 'Workouts' button as logged in user I see links to view all workouts, including workouts sorted in different ways ✔️
Clicking on the links under the 'Workouts' button as logged in user I go to the workouts page, and if I selected a particular sorting, the workouts are sorted that way ✔️
Clicking on a workout image as a logged in user I see workout details ✔️
Clicking on the 'My Account' button as an anonymous user I see options to either register or login, which take me to either a register or login page ✔️
Clicking on the 'My Account' button as a logged in user I see options to go to my profile or to logout, which take me to either my profile page or logout page ✔️
Clicking on a product image as an anonymous or a logged in user I see product details and the option to add a product to my cart ✔️
Clicking on the 'Special Offers/All Specials' link as an anonymous or a logged in user I see a list of products that are on some kind of special offer ✔️
Clicking on the cart icon as an anonymous or a logged in user after I added products to my cart I see a list of products in my cart, with subtotals, delivery costs and the order total. The cart icon itself also indicates my current order total ✔️
Registration and User Accounts Test Expected Passed
Registering for an account via either the Register button on the home screen or the Register link in 'My Account' I can fill in a form, receive an email with a confirmation link, confirm my account and then I have an account ✔️
Opening the 'My Account' menu I can either login to my account, or logout if I'm already logged in ✔️
Recover my password I can use the 'Forgot Password' button on the login page, fill in my email and then receive a working link to recover my password ✔️
Register for an account I can use the 'Forgot Password' button on the login page, fill in my email and then receive a working link to recover my password ✔️
Clicking on 'My Account/My Profile' as a logged in user after I made an order I see a form where I can fill in personal details, which I can update. I also see my order history, with links to the order confirmations ✔️
Sorting and Searching Test Expected Passed
As either an anonymous user or logged in user, I click on the sorting menu on the products page I can sort the list of products using the sort menu, sorting by price, category, rating or name ✔️
As either an anonymous user or logged in user, I choose a collection of product categories and click on the sorting menu on the products page I can sort this subcollection of products using the sort menu, sorting by price, category, rating or name ✔️
As either an anonymous user or logged in user, I enter a search term in the search bar I get a page with the term I searched for, a counter with how many products were found, and if there are any products, a list of these products ✔️
As a logged in user, I click on the sorting menu on the workouts page I can sort the list of workouts using the sort menu, sorting by body part, equipment, target, rating or name ✔️
Purchasing and Checkout Test Expected Passed
As either an anonymous user or logged in user, I use the quantity selector functionality on the product details page I can adjust the quantity and add the product and desired quantity to my cart ✔️
As either an anonymous user or logged in user, I click on the cart icon in the navbar I can view the items in my cart, subtotals, delivery costs and my order total ✔️
As either an anonymous user or logged in user, I use the quantity selector or delete functionality in the cart I can adjust the quantity of a product in my cart or delete the product from my cart ✔️
As either an anonymous user or logged in user, I click on the 'Checkout' button I can fill in my delivery details and card details and then checkout ✔️
As either an anonymous user or logged in user, I click on the 'Complete Order' button I am taken to a checkout confirmation page, with details for my order ✔️
As either an anonymous user or logged in user, I click on the 'Complete Order' button I receive an email with confirmation of my order ✔️
Admin and Store Management Test Expected Passed
I log in using superuser credentials at https://code-institute-ms4.herokuapp.com/admin I am taken to the admin portal, where I can see and edit elements of the webapp ✔️
In the admin portal I perform CRUD operations on a Product The CRUD operations are applied ✔️
In the admin portal I perform CRUD operations on a Product_Category The CRUD operations are applied ✔️
In the admin portal I perform CRUD operations on an Order The CRUD operations are applied ✔️
In the admin portal I perform CRUD operations on an Shop alert The CRUD operations are applied ✔️
In the admin portal I perform CRUD operations on a Feature The CRUD operations are applied ✔️
In the admin portal I perform CRUD operations on a Workout The CRUD operations are applied ✔️
In the admin portal I perform CRUD operations on a Body part The CRUD operations are applied ✔️
In the admin portal I perform CRUD operations on an Equipment The CRUD operations are applied ✔️
In the admin portal I perform CRUD operations on a Target The CRUD operations are applied ✔️
Logged in as a superuser, I click on 'My Account' I see a link for 'Add Product' which allows me to add a product to the store ✔️
Logged in as a superuser, I go to the Products page I see links on each product that allow me to edit the product ✔️
Logged in as a superuser, I go to the product details page for a product I see a link that allows me to edit the product ✔️
Logged in as a superuser, I go to the Products page I see links on each product that allow me to delete the product ✔️
Logged in as a superuser, I go to the product details page for a product I see a link that allows me to delete the product ✔️
Logged in as a superuser, I click on 'Workouts' I see a link for 'Add Workout' which allows me to add a workout to the site ✔️
Logged in as a superuser, I go to the Workouts page I see links on each workout that allow me to edit the product ✔️
Logged in as a superuser, I go to the workout details page for a workout I see a link that allows me to edit the product ✔️
Logged in as a superuser, I go to the Workouts page I see links on each workout that allow me to delete the product ✔️
Logged in as a superuser, I go to the workout details page for a workout I see a link that allows me to delete the product ✔️

Code validation:

  1. HTML validation
    • https://code-institute-ms4.herokuapp.com/
      1. First check: 5 errors, 4 warnings
      2. Second check: 2 error, 4 warnings. The errors I ignore: the duplicate ID is no problem, as one is used on mobile screens, the other on desktop screens. Removing the stray
actually breaks the footer container, so it has to stay. https://validator.w3.org/nu/?showsource=yes&doc=https%3A%2F%2Fcode-institute-ms4.herokuapp.com%2F
  • https://code-institute-ms4.herokuapp.com/products/
    1. First check: 1 error, 4 warnings, same as home page: https://validator.w3.org/nu/?showsource=yes&doc=https%3A%2F%2Fcode-institute-ms4.herokuapp.com%2Fproducts%2F#l248c81
  • https://code-institute-ms4.herokuapp.com/products/1/
    1. First check: 1 error, 3 warnings, same as home page: https://validator.w3.org/nu/?showsource=yes&doc=https%3A%2F%2Fcode-institute-ms4.herokuapp.com%2Fproducts%2F1%2F#l248c81
  • https://code-institute-ms4.herokuapp.com/accounts/signup/
    1. First check: 1 error, 2 warnings, same as home page: https://validator.w3.org/nu/?showsource=yes&doc=https%3A%2F%2Fcode-institute-ms4.herokuapp.com%2Faccounts%2Fsignup%2F#l248c81
  • https://code-institute-ms4.herokuapp.com/accounts/login/
    1. First check: 1 error, 2 warnings, same as home page: https://validator.w3.org/nu/?showsource=yes&doc=https%3A%2F%2Fcode-institute-ms4.herokuapp.com%2Faccounts%2Flogin%2F#l248c81
  • https://code-institute-ms4.herokuapp.com/accounts/password/reset/
    1. First check: 1 error, 2 warnings, same as home page: https://validator.w3.org/nu/?showsource=yes&doc=https%3A%2F%2Fcode-institute-ms4.herokuapp.com%2Faccounts%2Fpassword%2Freset%2F#l248c81
  • https://code-institute-ms4.herokuapp.com/cart/
    1. First check: 1 error, 3 warnings, same as home page: https://validator.w3.org/nu/?showsource=yes&doc=https%3A%2F%2Fcode-institute-ms4.herokuapp.com%2Fcart%2F#l248c81
  • https://code-institute-ms4.herokuapp.com/checkout/
    1. First check: 1 error, 3 warnings, same as home page: https://validator.w3.org/nu/?showsource=yes&doc=https%3A%2F%2Fcode-institute-ms4.herokuapp.com%2Fcheckout%2F#l248c81
  • I tried fixing the stray

    error, but doing so results in breaking the DOM flow, causing the footer to be part of the container.

    1. CSS validation

    2. [Python Validation]

    3. Run python3 -m flake8 and fix problems:

    Notable Bugs

    One big bug was with the checkout process not working: after clicking on the checkout button, the loading spinner would appear, but would never progress to the checkout success page. To try and fix this bug I took the following steps:

    1. Check if all the Stripe keys and secrets were correct.
    2. Check if the environment vars were using the correct Stripe information.
    3. Go through the code for the checkout app: changed some variable names and fixed a typo where a dash was used instead of an underscore.
    4. urls.py was missing the / after checkout_success/, fixed that.
    5. After changing variable names, I had to do another database migration.
    6. After this, when trying to checkout, I could an error about adding a float and decimal together: fixed this as well.
    7. It still wasn't working, and I found out the problem was within stripe_elements.js: when I changed code in there, checkout would work.
    8. I was about to start working through the code using console.log when I noticed an error in the log: it couldn't parse $post. This piece of code should have been $.post, missing a period. After adding that, the code worked.

    Another bug I discovered was that updating the quantity in the cart didn't always work. Troubleshooting steps:

    1. Checking the browser console for errors
    2. Adding debugging statements to the code for updating the quantity, both the jQuery that triggers the form submit as the actual Python code for the view.
    3. I discovered that sometimes the Python code would not run, while the jQuery code would always run.
    4. I also noticed that in the VS Code console there would be an error if the Python code did run: Broken pipe from ('', 62554)
    5. While troubleshooting, I realized that the product_details page handled submitting the form differently: on this page it was just a button to submit the form. Adding this to cart.html worked all the time, while using jQuery did not.
    6. I replaced the with a submit button, applied some CSS and adjusting the quantity in the cart now works.


    The only real problem was the implementation of Stripe. Getting this up and running took a lot of time, which meant I did not have time to implement other features. Right now, the project is a basic webshop, but not yet the community it sets out to be.


    The project has been deployed to Heroku, with static files hosted on AWS S3. If you want to do the same:

    1. Fork the repository to your own GitHub: https://github.com/RicardoAzuul/code-institute-ms4-fullstack.
    2. Log in to Heroku (www.heroku.com) - or register if you don't have an account yet.
    3. In the Heroku dashboard, click the New button in the top right corner and create a new app.
    4. Give your new app a name and choose a region. The name has to be unique within Heroku.
    5. On the page for your new Heroku app, go to Deployment method and choose "Connect to GitHub". If you haven't connected your GitHub account to Heroku yet, you will be able to do so now.
    6. Choose the forked repository of this project from your own GitHub account.
    7. If you want, you can enable Automatic Deploys here: whenever you perform a push to your GitHub repository, the Heroku app can redeploy. Otherwise you can deploy manually. Heroku will use the PROCFILE and requirements.txt to install dependencies and build the app.
    8. You will also have to create an S3 bucket on AWS, one that is publicly accessible.
    9. And you will have to set up a Stripe webhook, using a public key, secret key and webhook secret.
    10. You will also have to set some Config Vars in the Settings section of your Heroku app. These are the Config Vars:

    Run locally

    If you want to run the project locally:

    1. First, fork the repository to your own GitHub: https://github.com/RicardoAzuul/code-institute-ms4-fullstack.

    2. Clone the forked repository to your own machine.

    3. Install Python 3.8.12, as this is what the project was built with: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3812/ (though if you're running Windows, install 3.8.10)

    4. From the terminal, run the below to install required modules:

      pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    5. You will need to create an env.py file for running the app locally. The content of this file:

      import os

    os.environ.setdefault("SECRET_KEY", [django secret key]) os.environ.setdefault("DEVELOPMENT", "True") os.environ.setdefault("STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY", "[stripe public key]") os.environ.setdefault("STRIPE_SECRET_KEY", "[stripe secret key]") os.environ.setdefault("STRIPE_WH_SECRET ", "[stripe webhook key]")

    1. To run the app:
       ``` python manage.py startserver ```
    1. This will run the app locally, you can then browse to to interact with the app.
    ## Credits
    ### Inspiration
    The color scheme, black with accents of white and red, was inspired by Netflix: it looks bold. For the font I did some research into bold aggressive font types and came upon slab serif fonts. I picked Kelly Slab, as it was available via Google Fonts.
    Initially I wanted to do something different and go for warm and friendly, but I did not like the color scheme and couldn't find suitable images.
    ### Content
    Product images, prices, descriptions and ratings: www.decathon.nl
    Workout information: from a dataset on Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/edoardoba/fitness-exercises-with-animations
    The descriptions of workouts came from: https://www.bodybuilding.com/
    ### Media
    Main page: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-doing-exercise-414029/
    No image available file: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:No_Image_Available.jpg
    ### Code
    I've used some code from Bootstrap, as indicated by comments, and I found a nice way to do a back to top button that only appeared when scrolling down and slowly scrolls you back on Stackoverflow, as indicated by comments.
    ### Acknowledgements
    - I received help and support from my mentor at Code Institute, [Jack Wachira](https://github.com/iamjackwachira). 
    - I would also like to thank to all the people at [Code Institute](https://codeinstitute.net/) for providing the Diploma in Software Development course and giving me the tools and guidance to create this app.
    - I also received help from the Code Institute Slack Community when I had to resubmit my project, so thanks to the community as well.
    - And also thanks to [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/) for helping with implementing their Bootstrap stylings, [Django](https://www.djangoproject.com/) for their documentation and [Stackoverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/) for helping with finding solutions to coding problems.
    - My wife, Elizabeth Lane, for supporting me during this coding course.