Richie-Z / romajin

Romajin is an extension that serves as your guru within Spotify, offering both a Romaji converter and translator functionalities.
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japanese japanese-language japanese-study spicetify spicetify-custom-apps spicetify-extensions spotify translation

Romajin v1

thumbnail Romajin is an extension that serves as your guru within Spotify, offering both a Romaji converter and translator functionalities.



thumbnail thumbnail thumbnail

Install Via Marketplace

  1. Follow Spicetify Marketplace readme and install it.
  2. Open Spotify App -> Marketplace -> Extensions
  3. Search Romajin Click Install Buttton. Done!

Install Manually:

  1. Copy romajin.js into your Spicetify extensions directory. To see the the path of your Spicetify directory run this spicetify config-dir
  2. After putting romajin.js into your Spicetify extension, run this command:
spicetify config extensions romajin.js
spicetify apply


Contributions to Romajin are welcome! Feel free to submit bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests to help improve Romajin and enhance its functionality.