RichieJu520 / Metagenomics-workshop-on-euler

A workshop for microbial metagenomics and bioinformatics practice on the euler server of ETH Zurich
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A workshop for microbial metagenomics and bioinformatics practice on the euler server of ETH Zurich

91_otus.fasta.gz --- 91%-identity OTUs of 16S rRNA gene Greengenes Database

SARG_20170328.fasta.gz --- Structure antibiotic resistance gene database (ARDB) downloaded from

D10.R1_1.fq.gz --- shot-gun metagenomes with paired end reads 1 for sample D10.R1

D10.R1_2.fq.gz --- shot-gun metagenomes with paired end reads 2 for sample D10.R1

D10.R2_1.fq.gz --- shot-gun metagenomes with paired end reads 1 for sample D10.R2

D10.R2_2.fq.gz --- shot-gun metagenomes with paired end reads 2 for sample D10.R2 --- a python script for calculating N50, average, minimum, and maximum length of sequences in multiple fastas

submit.blastp.jobarrays.cmds.lsf --- a lsf file for bsub submission of a blast jobarrays to server (copyright: Mads Albertsen) --- a perl script for calculating coverage from the depth profile of a sorted bam file (sorted by samtools)