RicqCodes / ens_migration_subsquid

A task to migrate ens sub-graph to sub-squid sdk
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# ENS Squid Snapshot Squid is an implementation of the [Snapshot Subgraph](https://thegraph.com/hosted-service/subgraph/snapshot-labs/snapshot) using the [Squid SDK](https://docs.subsquid.io/), migrating the ens subgraph to the squid SDK. It provides a powerful and flexible way to interact with on-chain data and query information from the Ethereum blockchain. ## Prerequisites Before getting started, ensure you have the following dependencies installed on your machine: - [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/): JavaScript runtime for running JavaScript applications. - [Docker](https://www.docker.com/): Used to manage containers for PostgreSQL. ## Quickstart Follow these steps to set up and run Snapshot Squid migration on your local machine: ```bash # 0. Install @subsquid/cli globally (the sqd command) npm i -g @subsquid/cli # 1. Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/RicqCodes/ens_migration_subsquid # 2. Navigate to the project folder cd ens-migration-subsquid # 3. Rename .env.example to .env and configure environment variables # 4. Install project dependencies npm i # 5. Build the project sqd build # 6. Start a PostgreSQL database container and detach sqd up # 7. Run migrations sqd migration:generate sqd migration:run # 8. Start the processor sqd process # 9. The processor command will block the terminal while fetching chain data, # transforming it, and storing it in the target database. # To start the GraphQL server, open a separate terminal and run sqd serve ``` A GraphiQL playground will be available at [localhost:4350/graphql](http://localhost:4350/graphql). ## Query Examples ### Squid Query ``` query MyQuery { domains(limit: 5) { id name labelName labelHash } transfers(limit: 5) { id blockNumber transactionID } } ``` ## Graph Query ``` { domains(first: 5) { id name labelName labelhash } transfers(first: 5) { id blockNumber transactionID } } ```