RidgeRun / NVIDIA-Jetson-IMX708-RPIV3

NVIDIA Jetson IMX708 RPI V3 camera driver
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NVIDIA Jetson IMX708 RPI V3 camera driver

This driver has been developed by RidgeRun Engineering as an initiative in order to release the first version of the Sony IMX708 sensor driver for the Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3.

Supports the following Jetson platforms:

Repository structure

In this repository you will find the following structure:

├── patches_orin_nano
|   └── patches
│       ├── 5.1.1_orin_nano_imx708-v0.1.0.patch
│       └── series
├── patches_nano
|   └── patches
│       ├── 4.6.4_nano_imx708-v0.1.0.patch
│       └── series
└── README.md


JetPack installation instructions

You can download and install the JetPack by following the instructions below:

Driver Installation instructions

There are two options to install the driver:

OPTION A: Installing the kernel and dtb debians (Recommended)

This is the easiest and fastest way to install the driver. In order to install the debian packages you just need to perform the following instructions:

OPTION B: Applying the patches on the sources

In order to apply the patch on the JetPack sources with Orin Nano and Nano support, you must perform the following instructions:

For Jetson Orin Nano

Supported features

Resolutions and framerates


Example pipelines


SENSOR_ID=0 # 0 for CAM0 port
FRAMERATE=14 # Framerate can go from 2 to 14 for 4608x2592 mode
gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=$SENSOR_ID ! "video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),width=4608,height=2592,framerate=$FRAMERATE/1" ! queue ! nvegltransform ! nveglglessink 

MP4 Recording

SENSOR_ID=0 # 0 for CAM0 port
FRAMERATE=14 # Framerate can go from 2 to 14 for 4608x2592 mode
gst-launch-1.0 -e nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=$SENSOR_ID ! "video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),width=4608,height=2592,framerate=$FRAMERATE/1" ! nvv4l2h264enc ! h264parse ! mp4mux ! filesink location=rpi_v3_imx708_cam$SENSOR_ID.mp4

JPEG snapshots

SENSOR_ID=0 # 0 for CAM0 port
FRAMERATE=60 # Framerate can go from 2 to 14 for 4608x2592 mode
gst-launch-1.0 -e nvarguscamerasrc num-buffers=$NUMBER_OF_SNAPSHOTS sensor-id=$SENSOR_ID ! "video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),width=4608,height=2592,framerate=$FRAMERATE/1" ! nvjpegenc ! multifilesink location=%03d_rpi_v3_imx708_cam$SENSOR_ID.jpeg


Check our other products in ridgerun.com and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any kind of problem with the instructions given by reaching us at https://www.ridgerun.com/contact