Riduidel / lifestream

a Maven project generating markdown files for each of my entries on various web services (currently planned ones are wordpress, Goodreads, and maybe StackExchange sites)
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a Maven project generating markdown files for each of my entries on various web services (currently planned ones are wordpress, Goodreads, and maybe StackExchange sites)

Project is to be split into many maven artifacts. The following structure is currently envisioned

As this project is currently still alpha-level, please don't go wild about the fact that artifacts are not yet released to maven central. Which immediatly leads me to another thing : to try it, you have only one solution

  1. Fork project on GitHub
  2. Add to your very own settings.xml the settings required to build all projects (or at least all the ones you want). I don't need to document these here, as each missing setting will appear during compilation.
  3. Once all is done, go to my-lifestream subfolder, then run mvn install with the following maven profiles set
    • download-goodreads will download all your Goodreads infos (provided you have one)
    • download-wordpress will download content of the wordpress blog you gave in config (only one is supported now)
    • download-shaarli will download all your Shaarli links (again, only one Shaarli instance is supported now)
    • jbake will generate a fugly site using all those markdown files.

So, if you want to get the whole package once you have installed/compiled the whole, the command line you should write is

mvn install -Pdownload-goodreads -Pdownload-wordpress -Pdownload-shaarli -Pjbake

And, after a while, a site should appear in my-lifestream/target/generatedSite

Feel totally and utterly free to add any issue you noticed.