RiecoinTeam / Riecoin

Riecoin Core repository. Riecoin Whitepaper: https://riecoin.xyz/Whitepaper
MIT License
10 stars 6 forks source link
cryptocurrency distributed-computing number-crunching prime-numbers riecoin

Riecoin Core

Riecoin Logo

This repository hosts the Riecoin Core source code. Riecoin Core connects to the Bitcoin peer-to-peer network to download and fully validate blocks and transactions. It also includes a wallet and graphical user interface, which can be optionally built.

Guides and release notes are available on the project's page on Riecoin.xyz.

Riecoin Introduction

Riecoin is a currency based on Bitcoin, and follows in its footsteps into becoming a world currency. The Project supports and concretizes the idea that the gigantic mining resources can also serve scientific research, thus power a world currency of greater value for the society.

Riecoin miners are not looking for useless hashes, but doing actual scientific number crunching, like in Folding@Home or the GIMPS (currently, they are looking for prime constellations).

The project broke and holds several number theory world records, and demonstrated that scientific computations can be done using the PoW concept, and at the same time power a secure and practical international currency. It effectively solves the Bitcoin's power consumption issue without resorting to ideas like PoS that enrich the richer by design and makes value out of thin air.

Visit Riecoin.xyz to learn more about Riecoin.

Build Riecoin Core

Recent Debian/Ubuntu

Here are basic build instructions to generate the Riecoin Core binaries, including the Riecoin-Qt GUI wallet.

First, get the build tools and dependencies, which can be done by running as root the following commands.

apt install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config bsdmainutils python3
apt install libevent-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libminiupnpc-dev libqt5gui5 libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libgmp-dev libsqlite3-dev libqrencode-dev

Get the source code.

git clone https://github.com/RiecoinTeam/Riecoin.git


cd Riecoin
./autogen.sh ; ./configure ; make

The Riecoin-Qt binary is located in src/qt. You can run strip riecoin-qt to reduce its size a lot.

Guix Build

Riecoin can be built using Guix. The process is longer, but also deterministic: everyone building this way should obtain the exact same binaries. Distributed binaries are produced this way, so anyone can ensure that they were not created with an altered source code by building themselves using Guix. Read the Guix Guide for more details and options.

You should have a lot of free disk space (at least 40 GB), and 16 GB of RAM or more is recommended.

Install Guix on your system, on Debian 12 this can be done as root with

apt install guix

Still as root, start the daemon,


Now, get the Riecoin Core source code.

git clone https://github.com/RiecoinTeam/Riecoin.git

Start the Guix build. The environment variable will set which binaries to build (here, Linux x64, Linux Arm64, and Windows x64, but it is possible to add other architectures or Mac with an SDK).

export HOSTS="x86_64-linux-gnu aarch64-linux-gnu x86_64-w64-mingw32"
cd Riecoin

It will be very long, do not be surprised if it takes an hour or more, even with a powerful machine. The binaries will be generated in a guix-build-.../output folder.

Other OSes

Either build using Guix as explained above in a spare physical or virtual machine, or refer to the Bitcoin's Documentation (build-... files) and adapt the instructions for Riecoin if needed.


Riecoin Core is released under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for more information or see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.