RikiBorders / Goose

A responsive multi-purpose Discord Bot
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Monolith repository containing all Goose functionalities. Main branch PRs are automatically pushed to fly.io for deployment. No need for a production branch because I don't anticipate this project being distributed.

Be sure to follow general conventions when creating files and directories.

Old documentation for Goose can be found below (F/W 2022):

Tech spec: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jc6Ewa7i17DezlRKhVUnlXZRsPzp8a_ZMTYp8CdUbZk/edit

Product spec: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vXxRCWukWOX6pSorg5EU_vCV_P6iZW17CYhVgWU8d28/edit#heading=h.l9256upmwp0z