RileCraft / DiscordBot-Template

A bot template with command , event , button , selectmenus , slashcommands handler and error handlers. Made in Discord.JS V14
MIT License
229 stars 59 forks source link
discord discord-api discord-bot discord-js discord-js-event-handler discord-js-v13 discord-js-v13-handler discord-js-v13-reload-command discord-js-v13-selectmenus discord-js-v14-handler discord-modals-handler discord-v13-command-handler djs-handler djs-v13 djs-v14 slash-command-handler

Discord Bot Template

The Discord Bot Template provides a solid foundation for creating feature-rich Discord bots using Discord.js. It includes various managers for handling message commands, buttons, select menus, slash commands, context menus, and modal forms. The template offers customization options, colorful logging, and a simple code structure.





For detailed documentation on command options and managers, please refer to the following links:

Command Options





To get started with the Discord Bot Template, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository by downloading it as a ZIP file or running the command git clone
  2. Navigate to the template's directory and run the command npm install (make sure npm is installed).
  3. Once all the required modules are installed, open the src/config.js file and fill in the necessary information.
  4. Run the command node . to start the bot.


Contributions to the Discord Bot Template are welcome. To contribute, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Fork the Unstable branch. Important: All changes must be made to the Unstable branch.
  2. Make your changes in your forked repository.
  3. Open a pull request to the Unstable branch, and it will be reviewed promptly.
  4. If everything checks out, the pull request will be merged.