Rinnegatamante / DaedalusX64-vitaGL

Daedalus X64 port for PSVITA through vitaGL.
GNU General Public License v2.0
398 stars 47 forks source link

DaedalusX64-vitaGL Build Status

DaedalusX64 is a Nintendo 64 emulator originally for Linux and PSP. This repository is the official one for the PSVITA/PSTV port using vitaGL as renderer backend.

Build Instructions

You need to have vitaGL compiled with NO_DEBUG=1 HAVE_UNFLIPPED_FBOS=1 NO_TEX_COMBINER=1 SHADER_COMPILER_SPEEDHACK=1 HAVE_CUSTOM_HEAP=1 in order to properly compile DaedalusX64.
Also, before compiling it, run:

sed -i "s/float fog_dist = coords.z \/ coords.w;/float fog_dist = coords.z;/" source/shaders/ffp_f.h
sed -i "s/#define SHADER_CACHE_MAGIC /#define SHADER_CACHE_MAGIC 99/" source/shared.h

This will apply an hack to the lib to make it handle better N64 fogging.

You can compile DaedalusX64-vitaGL with:

mkdir daedbuild
cd daedbuild
cmake ../Source

Compatibility List

A compatibility list can be found on this GitHub repository. Contributions are very welcome. There's also an interactive website using this data available on this link.

Discord Server

You can head to Vita Nuova discord server to get help with DaedalusX64-vitaGL. We have a dedicated channel (#daedalus-x64) for discussing futur developments, suggesitons, help, etc.

Invite link: https://discord.gg/PyCaBx9

HD Textures Pack Tutorial

In order to create an HD texture pack (or adapt an existing one to DaedalusX64). You'll need to follow these steps:

Network Roms Tutorial

In order to play roms from your PC or from an online webserver, you can follow this guide made by Samilop Cimmerian iter: https://samilops2.gitbook.io/vita-troubleshooting-guide/daedalus-x64/load-rom-through-a-web-server

Custom Bubbles Tutorial

In order to create custom bubbles for the Livearea to launch a game directly with Daedalus X64, you can follow this guide made by Samilop Cimmerian iter: https://samilops2.gitbook.io/vita-troubleshooting-guide/daedalus-x64/making-custom-bubbles
