Rinnegatamante / vitaQuake

Port of Quake for Playstation Vita
GNU General Public License v3.0
126 stars 20 forks source link
psvita quake


vitaQuake is a Quake engine source port for PSVITA.

An official channel to discuss the development of this source port can be found on Vita Nuova discord server.


Supported DarkPlaces extensions

CDAudio Support

vitaQuake supports all soundtrack packs for Quake and its two official mission packs, "Scourge of Armagon" and "Dissolution of Eternity." In order for the soundtrack to work, files must be placed in a folder named /cdtracks/ in each campaign folder (main game for example will be ux0:data/Quake/id1/cdtracks).

By default, the music folder has tracks named as track02, track03, etc. For vitaQuake, add an extra "0" after "track" in order for them to be loaded properly and in order. Ex.: track02 -> track002

You can find the official soundtrack for the main campaign in .ogg format here.

Loading Expansions and Mods

vitaQuake supports the official Quake expansions, "Scourge of Armagon" and "Dissolution of Eternity." These were offical expansions, so they can be found usually wherever the full base game is sold (GOG, Steam). In order to get them to load properly, place them in the "ux0:/data/quake/" folder alongside "id1".

Both official mission packs support their own soundtracks as long as they are placed properly in their respective "/cdtracks/" folder.

Mod compatibility is varied, but as a general rule of thumb, mods compatible with winQuake will be compatible with vitaQuake.

Here's a list of some popular mods and their actual working state:

Expansion/Mod Link Status
Dissolution of Eternity Official Expansion #007f00 Fully Working
dopa Free #007f00 Fully Working
Halo Revamped Free #d0d000 Boots, lots of bugs
Kurok Free #007f00 Playable with glitches
Nazi Zombies Portable Free #ff0000 Not Working
Quake Rally Free #007f00 Fully Working
Scourge of Armagon Official Expansion #007f00 Fully Working
Slayer's Testament Free #ff0000 Crash on models loading
SUPERHOT Quake Free #007f00 Working without monochromatic graphics
SUPERQOT Free #ff0000 Not Working
YPOD Free #007f00 Fully Working
