Ripppe / GraduRepo

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This is an example repository to complete my M.Sc. Thesis. The topic is how to handle requirements management in GitHub with lean principles. Below is the summary of the Thesis.

GitHub is an online platform for collaborating and sharing code. In recent years its popularity has increased widely and both people and different size organizations utilize its powerful features. One of those features is a lightweight issue tracker which is meant for handling features and identified errors of software. The issue tracker is intuitive to use and simplifies a lot of things, but what if it is to be used as a requirements management tool?

Requirements management is the last step of requirements engineering process. This process aims to identify, document and manage all the requirements valid for the software product. Requirements management focuses on tracking how requirements are fulfilled and keeping the information associated to requirements intact.

This M.Sc. Thesis represents a semi-formal guideline for handling requirements management in GitHub. The guideline is evaluated on a theoretical level by comparing how well it accomplishes requirements management objectives and fits in an agile software development environment. To assess the suitability for the agile approach, the guideline is assessed against lean principles. Lean principles originate from Toyota’s successful manufacturing practices and converted to usable form in a software development. On a practical level a case study is carried out where the guideline is put into a real use.

Similar research hasn’t been done before, making the results novel. Both the theoretical assessment and the practical case study point out that the guideline and GitHub accomplish requirements management goals in an agile environment.

A link to the Thesis: