Risingabhi / Speed-Detection-OPENCV

Program calculates the speed of vehicle with any angle and also works for night time. Program auto calculates the detection range for different speed of vehicle. COSINE CORRECTION has been implimented in code, accuracy tested on GROUND TRUTH VIDEO For daytime is 98% in Km/Hr
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Program uses OPENCV to do speed detection. Sequence to run files : 1- Put all files in same folder. 2- IP webcam address can be added in cv2.VideoCapture() set_regions.py [to make mask on road ] should be run first. IMPORTANT: You need to make 2 masks.

run_TDI_Final.py calculates the speed of vehicle on road, USER INPUT required [Speed_Limit,distance, Angle]

1- Can work for all angles with respect to road. 2- Auto calibrates the detection range basis different speed limits. Code has been tested on ground truth videos and is giving very good results.

FUTURE IMPROVEMENT: A) Adjust crop rate of defaulters. B) Integrate with NIGHT TIME DETECTION