RitanMihai / Widest-Path-in-Networks-with-Gains-Losses

Implementation of the code in the paper: https://www.mdpi.com/2075-1680/13/2/127
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Widest Path in Networks with Gains and Losses

This repository contains the implementation of the code described in the paper: https://www.mdpi.com/2075-1680/13/2/127.

Please note that the specifications in this repository differ from those in the paper. The new experiments were conducted on the following hardware:

In the paper, the following table of reference is provided for the networks generated:

ID No. of Instances No. of Nodes No. of Paths Erdős–Rényi Probability
1 10000 1000 500 0.5
2 10000 1000 500 0.7
3 10000 1000 500 0.9
4 1000 2000 1000 0.1
5 1000 2000 1000 0.15
6 1000 2000 1000 0.6
7 1000 2000 1000 0.6
8 100 5000 2500 0.1
9 100 5000 2500 0.2
10 100 5000 2500 0.3
11 5 10000 5000 0.15
12 5 10000 5000 0.3
13 5 10000 5000 0.5
14 3 15000 7500 0.15
15 2 20000 7500 0.15
16 1 25000 8000 0.15

Table 1: Network generator parameters used for experiments.

Due to complications (too many arcs generated) during path generation, this project uses the number of arcs generated as a reference. Therefore, the number of paths will be much lower, but this does not mean that only the given number of paths are present; it merely ensures the minimum.

* indicates missing data in my notes. The C++ code used in the paper was not versioned. I will attempt to recover it from my old computer, or, if necessary, rewrite it.

If you notice discrepancies in the configurations compared to the paper's parameters, it is because I am following the specifications in Table 2, which focus on the actual size of the networks.

No. of Nodes Erdős–Rényi Probability No. of Arcs
1000 0.5 502,949
1000 0.7 702,955
1000 0.9 900,158
2000 0.1 406,696
2000 0.15 608,077
2000 0.6 2,413,862
2000 0.6 2,526,737
5000 0.1 5,041,275
5000 0.2 7,556,983
5000 0.3 15,124,614
10000 0.15 15,124,614
10000 0.3 20,161,784
10000 0.5 50,356,783
15000 0.15 34,007,566
20000 0.15 60,441,434
25000 0.15 *
30000 0.15 36,256,723

Table 2: Number of arcs per instance.