RituKumari98 / imgIN

MIT License
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About imgIN

  <p>imgIN is a cutting-edge web tool designed to simplify the process of image scraping. With its intuitive interface and powerful functionality, imgIN revolutionizes the way users gather images from the web. Whether you're a designer, researcher, or simply someone who appreciates visual content, imgIN offers a seamless solution to extract images from various online sources.</p>
    <li>Advanced scraping algorithms for precise and efficient extraction of images.</li>
    <li>Customizable search criteria including keywords, dimensions, and file types.</li>
    <li>Versatile support for scraping from search engines, social media platforms, and image hosting websites.</li>
    <li>Robust filtering and organization features for streamlined image selection.</li>
    <li>Comprehensive tagging and categorization options for efficient image management.</li>
    <li>Priority on user privacy and security with stringent data protection measures.</li>
  <h2>Get Started with imgIN</h2>