Riya14-dangra / RealEstate-Web

3 stars 10 forks source link
css html js kwoc2022



This Repository contains RealEstate website home page , which require more slides/section to be added in it to complete the website . If you are someone who has just started his/her journey in web dev then you should surely try to work on the issues of the projects as they are extremely beginner friendly , you can add the section using your creativity. Also, you can add new section if you want. The main aim of this Repository is to introduce you to open source and know the importance of project-based learning.

🛠️ Installation Steps

1. Fork the project. Click on the icon in the top right to get started

2. Clone the project, you can use the following command:

git clone https://github.com/Riya14-dangra/RealEstate-Web

🥂 After making a change

1. Create a new branch

git checkout -b <YourBranchName>

2. Add it to staging area

git add <path to the file you worked on>


git add .

3. Commit your changes with

git cz

4. Push your changes

git push

🫴 How to Do Your First Pull Request?

(I am providing some Resource from where you can Learn)

  1. Learn from Video
  2. Open Source Guide

👩🏽‍💻 Contributing

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