Rmke223 / Technical-Assignment

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UKY Technical Assignment.

Academic course browser component for use in displaying the courses included in an academic program. The component should provide both a list view and a card view, enabling users to browse through the courses efficiently.

UK Specific Modifications

This version of the Drupal Project makes the following modifications to the default drupal-composer project

When installing the given composer.json some tasks are taken care of:

Managing Drupal Core

If your site project uses the UK installation profie, it's recommended to allow the installation profile to define the Drupal Core dependency. If you use this project template without the UK installation profile, you will need to require Drupal Core in the projec template's composer.json file. See below for additional considerations.

Scaffolding Files

Some files managed in the Drupal Core project need to be installed outside of that package's directory, in the root of your site. This is accomplished with the drupal/core-composer-scaffold package. This package should be required alongside Drupal Core, and is required by the installation profile. If you remove the installation profile from this projec template, or add Drupal Core, you should also require the core-composer-scaffold package.


USE WITH CAUTION: If you run into any enviroment or container related issues, where it seems that there is a enviroment setting is cached, attempt these steps to get the project up and running:

  1. ddev poweroff
  2. docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq) # stop any other random containers that may be running
  3. docker rmi -f $(docker images -q) # You might have to repeat this a time or two to get rid of all images
  4. Completely stop and restart the gitpod workspace.


What do I commit into my project's repository?

After installing via composer install, you should commit the resulting files as the included .gitignore is configured.

Should I commit the contrib and custom modules I download?

No. Your project should maintain its dependencies (such as additional modules or themes) using composer.