Rmomal / EMtree

Infers species direct association networks
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expectation-maximization-algorithm gaussian-graphical-models inference matrix-tree-theorem network r-package


R build
status Codecov test
coverage DOI

EMtree infers direct species association networks, implementing the procedure described in Momal et al.. This package uses averages over spanning trees within an Expectation-Maximization algorithm to infer conditional dependence networks, and involves plotting functionalities (using ggraph and tydigraph).

By default, it uses the Poisson log-Normal Model (PLNmodels) to accommodate abundance data. However, EMtree is an inference method which only requires an estimate of a Gaussian covariance matrix, and can be used with any model which either use Gaussian latent variables, Gaussian copulas, or Gaussian data transformations.


EMtree requires R>3.5.

CRAN dependencies

required_CRAN <- c("Matrix", "purrr","parallel",  "mvtnorm", "vegan","huge",
                   "ggplot2", "magrittr", "dplyr","tidyr", "tibble",
                   "PLNmodels","ggraph", "tidygraph", "ade4")
not_installed_CRAN <- setdiff(required_CRAN, rownames(installed.packages()))
if (length(not_installed_CRAN) > 0) install.packages(not_installed_CRAN)

Installation of EMtree

You can install the development version of EMtree:



Please cite our work using the following reference: