RnD-PUCIT / SMS_2020

An automated academic system with features for remote classes, meetings, internal messaging, and progress monitoring.
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Intelligent Remote Academia-IRA

The purpose of our project is to build a generalized solution for educational institutions that effectively manage manual tasks in any educational institution. This project will adopt a smart learning environment including awareness about student’s daily and academic activities which will help their parents to learn more about their child’s academic status so that parents will be updated without visiting the institutions. The system will provide intelligent analysis as well as predictions to students and administrations of an institution to improve their performance and productivity.

Built With

Getting Started

These instructions will give you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


You need the following tools to be install before getting started:

You would also need to have a browser (e.g. Chrome) and a text editor (e.g. VS Code).

Setup on local machine

These steps will help you clone the repository on your local machine.

  1. Clone the repository
    $ git clone https://github.com/AIMRL/SMS_2020.git
  2. Open cmd for any other teminal you like and open the repository on your local machine.
    $ cd SMS_2020

Running the Project

These steps will help you run the project on your local machine.


Open cmd or any terminal you like from the project directory and enter the following commands:

  1. Move into the front-end project:

    $ cd intelligent_remote_academia-frontend
  2. Install the project dependencies. This will take a while and will be required for the first time only.

    $ npm install
  3. Start the react project:

    $ npm start

Back-end API

Open cmd or any terminal you like from the project directory and enter the following commands:

  1. Move into backend project:
  2. Start the .NET Web API:
    $ dotnet watch run

Configuration Files

Front-end configuration

  1. API URL can be changed in intelligent_remote_academia-frontend/src/services/httpService by changing the value of variable apiUrl.
  2. Every module has its own routing file. You can change the routes in the following files:
    1. intelligent_remote_academia-frontend/src/components/routing/AdminRouting.jsx
    2. intelligent_remote_academia-frontend/src/components/routing/ParentRouting.jsx
    3. intelligent_remote_academia-frontend/src/components/routing/TeacherRouting.jsx
  3. You can change sidebar links in the following file:

Back-end configuration

  1. You can add your connection string in the following file:

// Connection String format: "Default" : "";

## Authors
List of contributors who participated in this project:

 - **Arslan Yousaf** - *Worked on developing backend api, database design and api integrations*
 - **Zainab** - *Worked on developing backend api, database design and realtime web functionality*
 - **Daniyal Ahmed** - *Worked on testing backend api's and frontend*
 - **Sohaib Salman** - *Worked on developing frontend, backend, mobile app and api integrations*
 - **Tehreem Akhter** - *Worked on developing frontend, api integrations and realtime web functionality*