RnDProjectsDeebul / AllenIsaacRnD

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Semantic Mapping for Enhanced Localization in Indoor Environments

SLAM is employed to construct an environmental map, incorporating both spatial and semantic data from sensors to facilitate later relocalization. Traditional dense mapping techniques proved impractical for resource-limited mobile robots due to computational and storage constraints, necessitating the use of coarse object models to incorporate semantics into the map. Among these, QuadricSLAM and OA-SLAM are two notable approaches, with the former requiring an RGBD image as input and the latter using an RGB image. Nevertheless, neither of these methods has been assessed on a common dataset to date. To address this gap, a synthetic dataset was generated, allowing for a quantitative assessment of mapping accuracy using various predefined metrics. The results demonstrate OA-SLAM's accuracy and robustness in the face of sensor noise and its capacity to relocalize with a single RGB image of the scene.

Research Questions

Proposed approach

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  1. Synthetic dataset is to be generated. Follow the instruction in dataset generation readme to generate the scene in the BOP format.

  2. Create a folder named ./dataset and add the datasets to the folder. The naming convention of each scene should be 000001, 000002, ....

  3. Run the file ./OASLAM/utils/rgb_txt_generator.ipynb to generate rgb.txt file in rgb folder of each dataset. This file is used by OA-SLAM.

  4. Run the file ./OASLAM/utils/detections_json_file_creation.ipynb to generate the json file from the BOP detections format which is used by OA-SLAM.

  5. To run QuadricSLAM on the dataset. Change the batch_optimization variable to true or false to control the QuadricSLAM optimzation mode. The output map for the scene is generated at ./dataset/scene_name/quadric_slam_result/.

    • Run the file ./QuadricSLAM/system_profile_calculation/system_prof_eval_single_dataset.py to perform QuadricSLAM on a single scene. data_path variable needs to be changed to select which scene is to be used.
    • Run the file ./QuadricSLAM/system_profile_calculation/system_prof_eval_all_dataset.py to perform QuadricSLAM on all scenes in a dataset.
    • In case to run the QuadricSLAM manually, follow below command:
      python3 <path_to_script> <path_to_dataset> <batch_optimization_mode>
      python3 /home/allen/anaconda3/envs/quadricslamtest/lib/python3.10/site-packages/quadricslam_examples/BOP_YCB_dataset_test.py '/home/allen/Desktop/RnD_Github/AllenIsaacRnD/dataset/000001' True
  6. To run OA-SLAM on the dataset. The output map for the scene is generated at ./dataset/scene_name/oa_slam_result/.

    • Run the file ./OASLAM/system_profile_calculation/system_prof_eval_single_dataset.py to perform OASLAM on a single scene. data_path variable needs to be changed to select which scene is to be used.
    • Run the file ./OASLAM/system_profile_calculation/system_prof_eval_all_dataset.py to perform OASLAM on all scenes in a dataset.
    • In case to run the OASLAM manually, follow below command:
      <path_to_image_sequence (.txt file listing the images or a folder with rgb.txt or 'webcam_id')>
      <detections_file (.json file with detections or .onnx yolov5 weights)>
      <categories_to_ignore_file (file containing the categories to ignore (one category_id per line))>
      <relocalization_mode ('points', 'objects' or 'points+objects')>
      /home/allen/Desktop/OA_SLAM/oaslam/OA-SLAM/bin/oa-slam '/home/allen/Desktop/OA_SLAM/oaslam/OA-SLAM/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt' '/home/allen/Desktop/RnD_Github/AllenIsaacRnD/dataset/camera_simulator.yaml' '/home/allen/Desktop/RnD_Github/AllenIsaacRnD/dataset/000001/rgb/' '/home/allen/Desktop/RnD_Github/AllenIsaacRnD/dataset/000001/detections_yolov5.json' 'null' 'points+objects' '000001'
  7. To postprocess the generated output map of the QuadricSLAM and to compute the error metrics with respect to ground truth, the file ./QuadricSLAM/output_postprocessing/quadricslam_postprocessing_all_dataset.ipynb is runned. This is used to generate error metrics file for all the datasets. If we want to visualize the postprocessing one by one and to generate the individual error metrics files, the QuadricSlam_postprocessing.ipynb and Error_estimation.ipynb file can be runned respectively. The output error metrics files are generated in the ./dataset/scene_name/quadric_slam_result/ folder.

  8. To postprocess the generated output map of the OASLAM and to compute the error metrics with respect to ground truth, the file ./OASLAM/output_postprocessing/oaslam_postprocessing_all_dataset.ipynb is runned. This is used to generate error metrics file for all the datasets. If we want to visualize the postprocessing one by one and to generate the individual error metrics files, the OASLAM_postprocessing.ipynb and Error_estimation.ipynb file can be runned respectively. The output error metrics files are generated in the ./dataset/scene_name/oa_slam_result/ folder.

  9. The comparitive evaluation of a single scene in multiple SLAM methods can be performed by running the ./Comparative_Evaluation/comparison_plots_single_dataset.ipynb. The comparative evaluation of the same SLAM algorithm in multiple scenes, the file ./Comparative_Evaluation/comparison_plots_all_datasets.ipynb can be runned.

  10. For the noisy bounding box experiment, the file ./Comparative_Evaluation/noisy_bbox_generator/noisy_bbox_generation.ipynb can be runned to corrupt the scene_gt_info.json file in a BOP dataset. Further, ./Comparative_Evaluation/noisy_bbox_generator/detections_json_file_creation.ipynb can be used to generate the OA-SLAM compatible json file for these noisy ground truth. The aim of the noisy bounding box experiment is to corrupt the existing ground truth bounding boxes generated for the dataset.

  11. For the localization experiment using OA-SLAM, delete the name of half set of images in the rgb.txt file in the dataset. OA-SLAM process only the images existing in this file. After mapping is done, use the query images from the unused images by editing the rgb.txt file in the dataset. Then run the localization script to visualize the reloclization capability.

    <path_to_image_sequence (.txt file listing the images or a folder with rgb.txt)>
    <detections_file (.json file with detections or .onnx yolov5 weights)>
    <categories_to_ignore_file (file containing the categories to ignore (one category_id per line))>
    <map_file (.yaml)>
    <relocalization_mode ('points', 'objects' or 'points+objects')>
    <force_relocalization_on_each_frame (0 or 1)>
    /home/allen/Desktop/OA_SLAM/oaslam/OA-SLAM/bin/oa-slam_localization '/home/allen/Desktop/OA_SLAM/oaslam/OA-SLAM/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt' '/home/allen/Desktop/RnD_Github/AllenIsaacRnD/dataset/camera_simulator.yaml' '/home/allen/Desktop/RnD_Github/AllenIsaacRnD/dataset/000001/rgb/'  '/home/allen/Desktop/RnD_Github/AllenIsaacRnD/dataset/000001/detections_yolov5.json' null '/home/allen/Desktop/RnD_Github/AllenIsaacRnD/dataset/000001/oa_slam_result/map_000001.yaml' objects 000001_reloc 0