RoSocket / rosocket

Roblox websocket support made possible thru a server and a roblox module.
MIT License
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nodejs roblox roblox-websockets rojo wally websocket

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Socket = "RoSocket/rosocket@1.0.1"

Roblox Model: Click here or Download from Releases (we recommend you get the marketplace one which will always be the latest one)


For RoSocket to work correctly, you must enable in-game HTTP requests & self-host the server! If you want faster replies, then navigate to the reader module > SOCKET_SERVER_UPDATES, set it to 0.10 or less, minimum is 0.02 before ratelimits start to appear.


function RoSocket.Connect(socket: string): (any?) -> (table)


string RoSocket.Version


function socket.Disconnect(...: any): (boolean) -> (boolean)
function socket.Send(msg: string?): (boolean) -> (boolean)
RBXScriptSignal socket.OnDisconnect()
RBXScriptSignal socket.OnMessageReceived(msg: string?)
RBXScriptSignal socket.OnErrorReceived(err: string?)
string socket.UUID -- Universal Unique Identifier
string socket.Socket -- Socket link (e.g: wss://
string socket.binaryType -- buffer (doesn't modify way of requests)
string socket.readyState -- OPEN/CLOSED
object socket.Messages
object socket.Errors

Simple Example

local RoSocket = require(script.RoSocket)

-- Http service requests should be enabled for this to work, and a correct server should be set in the Reader module.
local Success, Socket = pcall(RoSocket.Connect, "wss://")
if Success ~= false then 
    print(`Socket's Universal Unique Identifier: {Socket.UUID}`) -- ...
    print(`Socket's URL is:  {Socket.Socket}`) -- wss://
    print(`Socket's state is: {Socket.readyState}`) -- OPEN
    print(`Socket's binary Type is: {Socket.binaryType}`) -- buffer (read-only)
    print(`Socket's amount of messages: {#Socket.Messages}`)
    print(`Socket's amount of errors: {#Socket.Errors}`)
    Socket.OnDisconnect:Connect(function(...: any?)
        warn(`Socket {Socket.Socket} was disconnected!`)
    Socket.OnMessageReceived:Connect(function(msg: string?)
        warn(`Message from {Socket.Socket}: {tostring(msg)}`)
    Socket.OnErrorReceived:Connect(function(err: string?)
        error(`Error from {Socket.Socket}: {tostring(err)}`)
    local Suc1 = Socket.Send("Hello World!") -- First message
    print(`Socket first message {Suc1 == true and "has been sent successfully!" or "has failed to send!"}`)
    local Suc2 = Socket.Send("Hello World!") -- Repeated message
    print(`Socket repeated message {Suc2 == true and "has been sent successfully!" or "has failed to send!"}`)
    local Suc3 = Socket.Send("Goodbye World!") -- Second message
    print(`Socket second message {Suc3 == true and "has been sent successfully!" or "has failed to send!"}`)
    Socket.Send("Hello World!") -- Throws a warning in the output saying you can't send messages to a disconnected socket
    print(`Socket's state is: {Socket.readyState}`) -- CLOSED
    print(`Socket's amount of messages: {#Socket.Messages}`)
    warn("Failed to connect to websocket!")

Self-hosting the server

  1. Download the entire RoSocket repository by clicking on Code > Download ZIP
  2. Extract the ZIP file, and cut the "server" folder. Paste the contents of the folder inside a directory of your choice/folder.
  3. Open a shell and run:
    npm install express ws
  4. You're good to go! Optional is to change the default port & default host.

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