RoadTripMoustache / kana_to_kanji

Simple application to learn Japanese kana (hiragana, katakana) and kanji
5 stars 1 forks source link


An application to help you learn Japanese.


We want our application to be as much as possible accessible, for that purpose we want to translate the application in multiple language. In the table below you can find the list of language and their support state. If your language isn't listed don't hesitate to create an issue!

Language Support
🇬🇧 English ✅ Full support
🇫🇷 French ✅ Full support

Getting Started


Development setup

Before trying to build the application, run the following in a terminal:

# Firebase setup
## Install dependencies
npm install -g firebase-tools
dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli
## Login into Firebase 
firebase login
## Generate firebase files
flutterfire configure --project=<firebase-project-id>\
   --platforms=android,ios,web \
   --android-package-name=com.roadtripmoustache.kana_to_kanji[.<flavor>] \
   --ios-bundle-id=com.roadtripmoustache.kana-to-kanji[.<flavor>] \

# Get the dependencies and generate l10n files
flutter pub get

# Setup our .env file
cp .env.template .env
## Update the .env file with our values

# Generate Freezed and JSON Serializable files
dart run build_runner build

Now you are ready to run the application. To do so execute the following command:

flutter run --flavor <flavor> [--target lib/main_<flavor>.dart]

This project has three (3) flavors:


dart run build_runner build -> "version solving failed"

In case of this issue, use the following command instead :

dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs