RobGeada / CVPRNAS-2022-Starting-Kit

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CVPR-NAS 2022 Starting Kit

Hi, thanks for participating in the 2nd CVPR-NAS Unseen Dataset Competition!


The starting kit contains the following:

Writing Your Submission

In this competition, you will be asked to produce three components:

  1. A DataProcessor, that takes in raw numpy arrays comprising the train/valid/splits of the dataset and creates train/valid/test PyTorch dataloaders. These can perform whatever preprocessing or augmentation that you might want/
  2. A NAS algorithm, that takes in the dataloaders and produces some optimal PyTorch model
  3. A Trainer, that trains that optimal model over the train dataloader

    In general, the following pipeline occurs for each dataset:

    1. Raw Dataset -> DataProcessor -> Train, Valid, and Test dataloaders
    2. Train Dataloader + Valid Datalodaers -> NAS -> Model
    3. Model + Train Dataloader + Valid Dataloaders -> TRAINER.train -> Fully-trained model
    4. Fully-trained model + Test Dataloader -> Trainer.predict= -> Predictions

    See submission_template/ for specifics about how to write these, and `submission_example' for an example valid submission

Testing Your Submission

The included Makefile will let you test your submission via the same testing scripts as our servers use. If the Makefile works, then you can be fairly confident your submission will work on our machines. However, you should still be careful about things like package imports, because trying to import something that doesn't exist in our environment will break your submission.

To test your submission from start-to-finish, run:

make submission=$SUBMISSION_DIRECTORY all

For example, to run the example submission:

make submission=submission_example all


To bundle your submission, run:

make submission=$SUBMISSION_DIRECTORY zip

Then submit the zip file on the [submission page link here]