RobLoach / drush-docker

:whale: Docker Container to run Drush
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Drush Docker Container Build Status

A Docker container to run Drush, Drupal's command line tool.


This covers how to run the Drush container through the Docker CLI.


Pull drush/drush from the Docker repository:

docker pull drush/drush

Alternatively, you can download a specific version of Drush:

docker pull drush/drush:8


To execute Drush directly, run the container with docker run, mounting the /app volume:

docker run -v $(pwd):/app drush/drush
docker run -v $(pwd):/app drush/drush help
docker run -v $(pwd):/app drush/drush --version
docker run -v $(pwd):/app drush/drush status

If you installed a specific version of Drush, run it with:

docker run -v $(pwd):/app drush/drush:8 --version


  1. Download the source:

    git clone
    cd drush-docker
  2. Build one of the images:

    docker build -t drush/drush:8 8
  3. Use the Makefile to build and test all images:

  4. Visit the drush/drush Docker Hub for build details.

  5. Submit Pull Requests and create issues for new changes and features you'd like to add.