RobTillaart / SHT31_SW

Arduino library for the SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor - using SoftWire
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Arduino library for the SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor - using SoftWire.


This experimental library features the class SHT31_SW derived from - It has the same interface as the SHT31 class so please use that documentation as it will be the "leading class".

The main difference is that the SHT31_SW class uses the SoftWire library for communication instead of the TwoWire based Wire class. See SHT31 PR #35.

SoftWire is a software I2C bus library to be able to select other pins than the default (AVR) hardware I2C pins (SDA and SCL). An important reason to use this version is when you want more than two devices on one Arduino.

SoftWire vs SoftwareWire

The SoftWire library is portable, however it could not read (on AVR) the SHT85 sensor which is command compatible with the SHT3x. A fix has been made in 0.3.0 and works on AVR (UNO) with an SHT31. See #12. It still has to be verified with an SHT85. The solution was to add buffers for I2C.

A separate repo is created based upon the AVR specific SoftwareWire see links below.

The SoftwareWire library is an AVR specific and worked for the SHT85. See

SHT3x SHT85 sensors

The SHT3x family of sensors should work up to 1 MHz I2C although not tested above 400 MHz.

This library should also work for SHT30/35/85 but these are not tested yet.

Test on UNO

SENSOR Temperature Humidity works
SHT30 ~0.3 2.0 (not tested)
SHT31 ~0.3 1.5 yes
SHT35 ~0.2 1.5 (not tested)
SHT85 ~0.2 1.5 no See SHT31_SWW

0.2.0 Breaking change

Version 0.2.0 introduced a breaking change in constructor and begin(). Parameters have moved from begin() to the constructor.


These libraries need to be installed to get SHT31_SW working:



#include "SHT31_SW.h"

Note: The interface is mostly inherited from SHT31 but presented here for completeness.

Base interface

Note that the temperature and humidity values are recalculated on every call to getHumidity() and getTemperature(). If you're worried about the extra cycles, you should make sure to cache these values or only request them after you've performed a new reading.

Error interface

Error Symbolic Description
0x00 SHT31_OK no error
0x81 SHT31_ERR_WRITECMD I2C write failed
0x82 SHT31_ERR_READBYTES I2C read failed
0x83 SHT31_ERR_HEATER_OFF Could not switch off heater
0x84 SHT31_ERR_NOT_CONNECT Could not connect
0x85 SHT31_ERR_CRC_TEMP CRC error in temperature
0x86 SHT31_ERR_CRC_HUM CRC error in humidity
0x87 SHT31_ERR_CRC_STATUS CRC error in status field
0x88 SHT31_ERR_HEATER_COOLDOWN Heater need to cool down
0x88 SHT31_ERR_HEATER_ON Could not switch on heater

Heater interface

WARNING: Do not use heater for long periods.

Use the heater for max 180 seconds, and let it cool down 180 seconds = 3 minutes. SHT31 version 0.3.3 and up guards the cool down time by preventing switching the heater on within 180 seconds of the last switch off. Note: this guarding is not reboot persistent.

WARNING: The user is responsible to switch the heater off manually!

The class does NOT do this automatically. Switch off the heater by directly calling heatOff() or indirectly by calling isHeaterOn().

Async interface

See async example for usage

Status fields

BIT Description value notes
15 Alert pending status 0 no pending alerts
1 at least one pending alert - default
14 Reserved 0
13 Heater status 0 Heater OFF - default
1 Heater ON
12 Reserved 0
11 Humidity tracking alert 0 no alert - default
1 alert
10 Temperature tracking alert 0 no alert - default
1 alert
9-5 Reserved 00000
4 System reset detected 0 no reset since last ‘clear status register’ command
1 reset detected (hard or soft reset command or supply fail) - default
3-2 Reserved 00
1 Command status 0 last command executed successfully
1 last command not processed. Invalid or failed checksum
0 Write data checksum status 0 checksum of last write correct
1 checksum of last write transfer failed







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