A coulple of converter scripts for WoltLab Burning Board Lite 2 (2.1?) to PHPBB3.
Just copy everything onto your server, edit the file DatabaseFactory.php
match your settings and run the scripts in the following order:
- forums.php
- topics.php
- posts.php
- messages.php
- users.php
- statistics.php
Now got to the STK and run the following jobs:
- Support Tools -> Orphaned Posts (check if everything imported correctly)
- Support Tools -> Fix Left/Right IDs (just to be sure)
- Support Tools -> Reclean usernames
- Admin Tools -> Reparse BBCodes (check the box to reparse everything)
This should have done the trick.
What you get
- Categories
- Topics
- Posts
- Users
- All users will lose profile information
- No avatars
- All users need to reset their passwords
- No import of (any) permissions
- No statistics