RobinL / uk_address_matcher

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Matching UK addresses using Splink

High performance address matching using a pre-trained Splink model.

Assuming you have two duckdb dataframes in this format:

unique_id address_concat postcode
1 123 Fake Street, Faketown FA1 2KE
2 456 Other Road, Otherville NO1 3WY
... ... ...

Match them with:

from uk_address_matcher.cleaning_pipelines import (
from uk_address_matcher.splink_model import _performance_predict

df_1_c = clean_data_using_precomputed_rel_tok_freq(df_1, con=con)
df_2_c = clean_data_using_precomputed_rel_tok_freq(df_2, con=con)

linker, predictions = _performance_predict(

Initial tests suggest you can match ~ 1,000 addresses per second against a list of 30 million addresses on a laptop.

Refer to the example, which has detailed comments, for how to match your data.

See an example of comparing two addresses to get a sense of what it does/how it scores

Run an interactive example in your browser:

Open In Colab Match 5,000 FHRS records to 21,952 companies house records in < 10 seconds.

Open In Colab Investigate and understand how the model works