Robitx / gp.nvim

Gp.nvim (GPT prompt) Neovim AI plugin: ChatGPT sessions & Instructable text/code operations & Speech to text [OpenAI]
MIT License
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customize default chat tempalte #135

Open ucl98 opened 1 month ago

ucl98 commented 1 month ago

Hi, Is it possible to customize the template of the default chat? I found that the default message with instructions is defined via chat_template but I failed to find a solution how I can customize the message. I would prefer to have it removed if possible.

argshook commented 1 month ago

Hey there! I submitted a PR which allows to customize chat_template here:

but it's not merged to this repo and so far is only available in my fork. Give it a spin if you'd like.

I use neovim with lazy plugin manager, and configure gp.nvim like this:

        config = function()
            chat_template = "# topic: ?\n\n"
              .. "- file: %s\n"
              .. "---\n"
              .. "🗨: "

you might not want to remove the default message entirely. I find it useful to include at least the chat_user_prefix symbol:

        config = function()
            chat_template = "🗨: "

Disclaimer: i don't really maintain my fork too much, just have few tweaks for my own needs!

ucl98 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your contribution. It's the feature I was hoping for :)