Robitx / gp.nvim

Gp.nvim (GPT prompt) Neovim AI plugin: ChatGPT sessions & Instructable text/code operations & Speech to text [OpenAI]
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Gp.nvim (GPT prompt) Neovim AI plugin

ChatGPT like sessions, Instructable text/code operations, Speech to text and Image generation in your favorite editor.

Youtube demos

Goals and Features

The goal is to extend Neovim with the power of GPT models in a simple unobtrusive extensible way.
Trying to keep things as native as possible - reusing and integrating well with the natural features of (Neo)vim.


1. Install the plugin

Snippets for your preferred package manager:

-- lazy.nvim
    config = function()

        -- or setup with your own config (see Install > Configuration in Readme)
        -- require("gp").setup(config)

            -- shortcuts might be setup here (see Usage > Shortcuts in Readme)
-- packer.nvim
    config = function()

    -- or setup with your own config (see Install > Configuration in Readme)
    -- require("gp").setup(config)

        -- shortcuts might be setup here (see Usage > Shortcuts in Readme)
-- vim-plug
Plug 'robitx/gp.nvim'


-- or setup with your own config (see Install > Configuration in Readme)
-- require("gp").setup(config)

-- shortcuts might be setup here (see Usage > Shortcuts in Readme)

2. OpenAI API key

Make sure you have OpenAI API key. Get one here and use it in the 4. Configuration. Also consider setting up usage limits so you won't get suprised at the end of the month.

The OpenAI API key can be passed to the plugin in multiple ways:

Method Example Security Level
hardcoded string openai_api_key: "sk-...", Low
default env var set OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable in shell config Medium
custom env var openai_api_key = os.getenv("CUSTOM_ENV_NAME"), Medium
read from file openai_api_key = { "cat", "path_to_api_key" }, Medium-High
password manager openai_api_key = { "bw", "get", "password", "OAI_API_KEY" }, High

If openai_api_key is a table, Gp runs it asynchronously to avoid blocking Neovim (password managers can take a second or two).

3. Dependencies

The core plugin only needs curl installed to make calls to OpenAI API and grep for ChatFinder. So Linux, BSD and Mac OS should be covered.

Voice commands (:GpWhisper*) depend on SoX (Sound eXchange) to handle audio recording and processing:

4. Configuration

Bellow is a linked snippet with the default values, but I suggest starting with minimal config possible (just openai_api_key if you don't have OPENAI_API_KEY env set up). Defaults change over time to improve things, options might get deprecated and so on - it's better to change only things where the default doesn't fit your needs.


Chat commands


Open a fresh chat in the current window. It can be either empty or include the visual selection or specified range as context. This command also supports subcommands for layout specification:


Paste the selection or specified range into the latest chat, simplifying the addition of code from multiple files into a single chat buffer. This command also supports subcommands for layout specification:


Open chat in a toggleable popup window, showing the last active chat or a fresh one with selection or a range as a context. This command also supports subcommands for layout specification:


Open a dialog to search through chats.


Request a new GPT response for the current chat. Usin:GpChatRespond N request a new GPT response with only the last N messages as context, using everything from the end up to the Nth instance of 🗨:.. (N=1 is like asking a question in a new chat).


Delete the current chat. By default requires confirmation before delete, which can be disabled in config using chat_confirm_delete = false,.

Text/Code commands


Opens a dialog for entering a prompt. After providing prompt instructions into the dialog, the generated response replaces the current line in normal/insert mode, selected lines in visual mode, or the specified range (e.g., :%GpRewrite applies the rewrite to the entire buffer).

:GpRewrite {prompt} Executes directly with specified {prompt} instructions, bypassing the dialog. Suitable for mapping repetitive tasks to keyboard shortcuts or for automation using headless Neovim via terminal or shell scripts.


Similar to :GpRewrite, but the answer is added after the current line, visual selection, or range.


Similar to :GpRewrite, but the answer is added before the current line, visual selection, or range.


Similar to :GpRewrite, but the answer is added into a new buffer in the current window.


Similar to :GpRewrite, but the answer is added into a new horizontal split window.


Similar to :GpRewrite, but the answer is added into a new vertical split window.


Similar to :GpRewrite, but the answer is added into a new tab.


Similar to :GpRewrite, but the answer is added into a pop-up window.


Example hook command to develop code from comments in a visual selection or specified range.


Provides custom context per repository:

Speech commands


Transcription replaces the current line, visual selection or range in the current buffer. Use your mouth to ask a question in a chat buffer instead of writing it by hand, dictate some comments for the code, notes or even your next novel..

For the rest of the whisper commands, the transcription is used as an editable prompt for the equivalent non whisper command - GpWhisperRewrite dictates instructions for GpRewrite etc.


Similar to :GpRewrite, but the prompt instruction dialog uses transcribed spoken instructions.


Similar to :GpAppend, but the prompt instruction dialog uses transcribed spoken instructions for adding content after the current line, visual selection, or range.


Similar to :GpPrepend, but the prompt instruction dialog uses transcribed spoken instructions for adding content before the current line, selection, or range.


Similar to :GpEnew, but the prompt instruction dialog uses transcribed spoken instructions for opening content in a new buffer within the current window.


Similar to :GpNew, but the prompt instruction dialog uses transcribed spoken instructions for opening content in a new horizontal split window.


Similar to :GpVnew, but the prompt instruction dialog uses transcribed spoken instructions for opening content in a new vertical split window.


Similar to :GpTabnew, but the prompt instruction dialog uses transcribed spoken instructions for opening content in a new tab.


Similar to :GpPopup, but the prompt instruction dialog uses transcribed spoken instructions for displaying content in a pop-up window.

Agent commands


Cycles between available agents based on the current buffer (chat agents if current buffer is a chat and command agents otherwise). The agent setting is persisted on disk across Neovim instances.


Displays currently used agents for chat and command instructions.

:GpAgent XY

Choose a new agent based on its name, listing options based on the current buffer (chat agents if current buffer is a chat and command agents otherwise). The agent setting is persisted on disk across Neovim instances.

Image commands


Opens a dialog for entering a prompt describing wanted images. When the generation is done it opens dialog for storing the image to the disk.


Displays currently used image agent (configuration).

:GpImageAgent XY

Choose a new "image agent" based on its name. In the context of images, agent is basically a configuration for model, image size, quality and so on. The agent setting is persisted on disk across Neovim instances.

Other commands


Stops all currently running responses and jobs.


Inspects the GPT prompt plugin object in a new scratch buffer.

GpDone autocommand

Commands like GpRewrite, GpAppend etc. run asynchronously and generate event GpDone, so you can define autocmd (like auto formating) to run when gp finishes:

    vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "User" }, {
        pattern = {"GpDone"},
        callback = function(event)
            print("event fired:\n", vim.inspect(event))
            -- local b = event.buf
            -- DO something

Custom instructions

By calling :GpContext you can make markdown file in a root of a repository. Commands such as :GpRewrite, :GpAppend etc. will respect instructions provided in this file (works better with gpt4, gpt 3.5 doesn't always listen to system commands). For example:

Use ‎C++17.
Use Testify library when writing Go tests.
Use Early return/Guard Clauses pattern to avoid excessive nesting.

Here is another example.


GpDone event + custom instructions provide a possibility to run gp.nvim using headless (neo)vim from terminal or shell script. So you can let gp run edits accross many files if you put it in a loop.

test file:

5 file:

If user says hello, please respond with:

Ahoy there!

calling gp.nvim from terminal/script:

$ nvim --headless -c "autocmd User GpDone wq" -c "/3" -c "normal V" -c "GpAppend hello there"  test

resulting test file:

Ahoy there!


There are no default global shortcuts to mess with your own config. Bellow are examples for you to adjust or just use directly.


You can use the good old vim.keymap.set and paste the following after require("gp").setup(conf) call (or anywhere you keep shortcuts if you want them at one place).

local function keymapOptions(desc)
    return {
        noremap = true,
        silent = true,
        nowait = true,
        desc = "GPT prompt " .. desc,

-- Chat commands
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>c", "<cmd>GpChatNew<cr>", keymapOptions("New Chat"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>t", "<cmd>GpChatToggle<cr>", keymapOptions("Toggle Chat"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>f", "<cmd>GpChatFinder<cr>", keymapOptions("Chat Finder"))

vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>c", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatNew<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Chat New"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>p", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatPaste<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Chat Paste"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>t", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatToggle<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Toggle Chat"))

vim.keymap.set({ "n", "i" }, "<C-g><C-x>", "<cmd>GpChatNew split<cr>", keymapOptions("New Chat split"))
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "i" }, "<C-g><C-v>", "<cmd>GpChatNew vsplit<cr>", keymapOptions("New Chat vsplit"))
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "i" }, "<C-g><C-t>", "<cmd>GpChatNew tabnew<cr>", keymapOptions("New Chat tabnew"))

vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g><C-x>", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatNew split<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Chat New split"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g><C-v>", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatNew vsplit<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Chat New vsplit"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g><C-t>", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatNew tabnew<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Chat New tabnew"))

-- Prompt commands
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>r", "<cmd>GpRewrite<cr>", keymapOptions("Inline Rewrite"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>a", "<cmd>GpAppend<cr>", keymapOptions("Append (after)"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>b", "<cmd>GpPrepend<cr>", keymapOptions("Prepend (before)"))

vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>r", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpRewrite<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Rewrite"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>a", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpAppend<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Append (after)"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>b", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpPrepend<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Prepend (before)"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>i", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpImplement<cr>", keymapOptions("Implement selection"))

vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>gp", "<cmd>GpPopup<cr>", keymapOptions("Popup"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>ge", "<cmd>GpEnew<cr>", keymapOptions("GpEnew"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>gn", "<cmd>GpNew<cr>", keymapOptions("GpNew"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>gv", "<cmd>GpVnew<cr>", keymapOptions("GpVnew"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>gt", "<cmd>GpTabnew<cr>", keymapOptions("GpTabnew"))

vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>gp", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpPopup<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Popup"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>ge", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpEnew<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual GpEnew"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>gn", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpNew<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual GpNew"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>gv", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpVnew<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual GpVnew"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>gt", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpTabnew<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual GpTabnew"))

vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>x", "<cmd>GpContext<cr>", keymapOptions("Toggle Context"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>x", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpContext<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Toggle Context"))

vim.keymap.set({"n", "i", "v", "x"}, "<C-g>s", "<cmd>GpStop<cr>", keymapOptions("Stop"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i", "v", "x"}, "<C-g>n", "<cmd>GpNextAgent<cr>", keymapOptions("Next Agent"))

-- optional Whisper commands with prefix <C-g>w
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>ww", "<cmd>GpWhisper<cr>", keymapOptions("Whisper"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>ww", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisper<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Whisper"))

vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>wr", "<cmd>GpWhisperRewrite<cr>", keymapOptions("Whisper Inline Rewrite"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>wa", "<cmd>GpWhisperAppend<cr>", keymapOptions("Whisper Append (after)"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>wb", "<cmd>GpWhisperPrepend<cr>", keymapOptions("Whisper Prepend (before) "))

vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>wr", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperRewrite<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Whisper Rewrite"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>wa", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperAppend<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Whisper Append (after)"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>wb", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperPrepend<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Whisper Prepend (before)"))

vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>wp", "<cmd>GpWhisperPopup<cr>", keymapOptions("Whisper Popup"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>we", "<cmd>GpWhisperEnew<cr>", keymapOptions("Whisper Enew"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>wn", "<cmd>GpWhisperNew<cr>", keymapOptions("Whisper New"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>wv", "<cmd>GpWhisperVnew<cr>", keymapOptions("Whisper Vnew"))
vim.keymap.set({"n", "i"}, "<C-g>wt", "<cmd>GpWhisperTabnew<cr>", keymapOptions("Whisper Tabnew"))

vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>wp", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperPopup<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Whisper Popup"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>we", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperEnew<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Whisper Enew"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>wn", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperNew<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Whisper New"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>wv", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperVnew<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Whisper Vnew"))
vim.keymap.set("v", "<C-g>wt", ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperTabnew<cr>", keymapOptions("Visual Whisper Tabnew"))


Or go more fancy by using which-key.nvim plugin:

-- VISUAL mode mappings
-- s, x, v modes are handled the same way by which_key
    -- ...
    ["<C-g>"] = {
        c = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatNew<cr>", "Visual Chat New" },
        p = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatPaste<cr>", "Visual Chat Paste" },
        t = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatToggle<cr>", "Visual Toggle Chat" },

        ["<C-x>"] = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatNew split<cr>", "Visual Chat New split" },
        ["<C-v>"] = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatNew vsplit<cr>", "Visual Chat New vsplit" },
        ["<C-t>"] = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpChatNew tabnew<cr>", "Visual Chat New tabnew" },

        r = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpRewrite<cr>", "Visual Rewrite" },
        a = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpAppend<cr>", "Visual Append (after)" },
        b = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpPrepend<cr>", "Visual Prepend (before)" },
        i = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpImplement<cr>", "Implement selection" },

        g = {
            name = "generate into new ..",
            p = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpPopup<cr>", "Visual Popup" },
            e = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpEnew<cr>", "Visual GpEnew" },
            n = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpNew<cr>", "Visual GpNew" },
            v = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpVnew<cr>", "Visual GpVnew" },
            t = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpTabnew<cr>", "Visual GpTabnew" },

        n = { "<cmd>GpNextAgent<cr>", "Next Agent" },
        s = { "<cmd>GpStop<cr>", "GpStop" },
        x = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpContext<cr>", "Visual GpContext" },

        w = {
            name = "Whisper",
            w = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisper<cr>", "Whisper" },
            r = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperRewrite<cr>", "Whisper Rewrite" },
            a = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperAppend<cr>", "Whisper Append (after)" },
            b = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperPrepend<cr>", "Whisper Prepend (before)" },
            p = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperPopup<cr>", "Whisper Popup" },
            e = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperEnew<cr>", "Whisper Enew" },
            n = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperNew<cr>", "Whisper New" },
            v = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperVnew<cr>", "Whisper Vnew" },
            t = { ":<C-u>'<,'>GpWhisperTabnew<cr>", "Whisper Tabnew" },
    -- ...
}, {
    mode = "v", -- VISUAL mode
    prefix = "",
    buffer = nil,
    silent = true,
    noremap = true,
    nowait = true,

-- NORMAL mode mappings
    -- ...
    ["<C-g>"] = {
        c = { "<cmd>GpChatNew<cr>", "New Chat" },
        t = { "<cmd>GpChatToggle<cr>", "Toggle Chat" },
        f = { "<cmd>GpChatFinder<cr>", "Chat Finder" },

        ["<C-x>"] = { "<cmd>GpChatNew split<cr>", "New Chat split" },
        ["<C-v>"] = { "<cmd>GpChatNew vsplit<cr>", "New Chat vsplit" },
        ["<C-t>"] = { "<cmd>GpChatNew tabnew<cr>", "New Chat tabnew" },

        r = { "<cmd>GpRewrite<cr>", "Inline Rewrite" },
        a = { "<cmd>GpAppend<cr>", "Append (after)" },
        b = { "<cmd>GpPrepend<cr>", "Prepend (before)" },

        g = {
            name = "generate into new ..",
            p = { "<cmd>GpPopup<cr>", "Popup" },
            e = { "<cmd>GpEnew<cr>", "GpEnew" },
            n = { "<cmd>GpNew<cr>", "GpNew" },
            v = { "<cmd>GpVnew<cr>", "GpVnew" },
            t = { "<cmd>GpTabnew<cr>", "GpTabnew" },

        n = { "<cmd>GpNextAgent<cr>", "Next Agent" },
        s = { "<cmd>GpStop<cr>", "GpStop" },
        x = { "<cmd>GpContext<cr>", "Toggle GpContext" },

        w = {
            name = "Whisper",
            w = { "<cmd>GpWhisper<cr>", "Whisper" },
            r = { "<cmd>GpWhisperRewrite<cr>", "Whisper Inline Rewrite" },
            a = { "<cmd>GpWhisperAppend<cr>", "Whisper Append (after)" },
            b = { "<cmd>GpWhisperPrepend<cr>", "Whisper Prepend (before)" },
            p = { "<cmd>GpWhisperPopup<cr>", "Whisper Popup" },
            e = { "<cmd>GpWhisperEnew<cr>", "Whisper Enew" },
            n = { "<cmd>GpWhisperNew<cr>", "Whisper New" },
            v = { "<cmd>GpWhisperVnew<cr>", "Whisper Vnew" },
            t = { "<cmd>GpWhisperTabnew<cr>", "Whisper Tabnew" },
    -- ...
}, {
    mode = "n", -- NORMAL mode
    prefix = "",
    buffer = nil,
    silent = true,
    noremap = true,
    nowait = true,

-- INSERT mode mappings
    -- ...
    ["<C-g>"] = {
        c = { "<cmd>GpChatNew<cr>", "New Chat" },
        t = { "<cmd>GpChatToggle<cr>", "Toggle Chat" },
        f = { "<cmd>GpChatFinder<cr>", "Chat Finder" },

        ["<C-x>"] = { "<cmd>GpChatNew split<cr>", "New Chat split" },
        ["<C-v>"] = { "<cmd>GpChatNew vsplit<cr>", "New Chat vsplit" },
        ["<C-t>"] = { "<cmd>GpChatNew tabnew<cr>", "New Chat tabnew" },

        r = { "<cmd>GpRewrite<cr>", "Inline Rewrite" },
        a = { "<cmd>GpAppend<cr>", "Append (after)" },
        b = { "<cmd>GpPrepend<cr>", "Prepend (before)" },

        g = {
            name = "generate into new ..",
            p = { "<cmd>GpPopup<cr>", "Popup" },
            e = { "<cmd>GpEnew<cr>", "GpEnew" },
            n = { "<cmd>GpNew<cr>", "GpNew" },
            v = { "<cmd>GpVnew<cr>", "GpVnew" },
            t = { "<cmd>GpTabnew<cr>", "GpTabnew" },

        x = { "<cmd>GpContext<cr>", "Toggle GpContext" },
        s = { "<cmd>GpStop<cr>", "GpStop" },
        n = { "<cmd>GpNextAgent<cr>", "Next Agent" },

        w = {
            name = "Whisper",
            w = { "<cmd>GpWhisper<cr>", "Whisper" },
            r = { "<cmd>GpWhisperRewrite<cr>", "Whisper Inline Rewrite" },
            a = { "<cmd>GpWhisperAppend<cr>", "Whisper Append (after)" },
            b = { "<cmd>GpWhisperPrepend<cr>", "Whisper Prepend (before)" },
            p = { "<cmd>GpWhisperPopup<cr>", "Whisper Popup" },
            e = { "<cmd>GpWhisperEnew<cr>", "Whisper Enew" },
            n = { "<cmd>GpWhisperNew<cr>", "Whisper New" },
            v = { "<cmd>GpWhisperVnew<cr>", "Whisper Vnew" },
            t = { "<cmd>GpWhisperTabnew<cr>", "Whisper Tabnew" },
    -- ...
}, {
    mode = "i", -- INSERT mode
    prefix = "",
    buffer = nil,
    silent = true,
    noremap = true,
    nowait = true,

Extend functionality

You can extend/override the plugin functionality with your own, by putting functions into config.hooks. Hooks have access to everything (see InspectPlugin example in defaults) and are automatically registered as commands (GpInspectPlugin).

Here are some more examples:

The raw plugin text editing method Prompt has seven aprameters: