Robitx / gp.nvim

Gp.nvim (GPT prompt) Neovim AI plugin: ChatGPT sessions & Instructable text/code operations & Speech to text [OpenAI]
MIT License
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Explain Hook does not receive the selected text #141

Open alivault opened 3 weeks ago

alivault commented 3 weeks ago

I have copied the Explain hook exactly as the docs show into my config. But when I select some code and run the explain command, I get a pop up that says it didn't receive any selected text, only the filepath:


Here is my current config:

return {
  config = function()
      openai_api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
      agents = {
          name = "GPT-4o",
          chat = true,
          command = true,
          model = { model = "gpt-4o", temperature = 1.1, top_p = 1 },
          system_prompt = "You are a helpful assistant. Keep your answers concise. When providing code, put the code in triple backticks for markdown formatting. Use 'typescript' for tsx and ts code blocks, never 'typescriptreact'.",
      hooks = {
        -- explains the selected code
        Explain = function(gp, params)
          local template = "I have the following code from {{filename}}:\n\n"
            .. "```{{filetype}}\n{{selection}}\n```\n\n"
            .. "Please respond by explaining the code above."
          local agent = gp.get_chat_agent()
          gp.Prompt(params, gp.Target.popup, nil, agent.model, template, agent.system_prompt)

        -- opens new chat with the entire current buffer as a context
        BufferChatNew = function(gp, _)
          -- call GpChatNew command in range mode on whole buffer
          vim.api.nvim_command("%" .. gp.config.cmd_prefix .. "ChatNew")
      chat_confirm_delete = false,

Sidenote, the BufferChatNew hook works perfectly. But the Explain hook is not receiving the selected text.