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Roblox Status Live
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roblox status-page

Roblox Status Live v2

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The smarter alternative to the Roblox Status Page.

Created with 🧑 by iiPython and Crcoli737, Logo created by GamersInternational

⚑ Overview

How it works.

Roblox Status Live uses the Roblox API endpoints status codes and ping times to determine if Roblox is working correctly. We also use other determining factors, such as Roblox's Official Status page to determine if there is an active incident at Roblox.

Why is it important?

If you are not an active Roblox player or developer, the use of Roblox Status Live may not be very important to you. However if you are a developer, knowing the status of Roblox and it's APIs can help you determine player count, projected revenue, and the lost revenue due to the inability for players to purchase gamepasses or developer products.

Why is Roblox Status Live better other automated down detectors?

Well, the answer to this question is more complicated than one may think. For example, people may compare Roblox Status Live to Status+. Status+ is a great down detector for Roblox, but we track two completely different things.

Status+ focuses on tracking FFlags and more intricate details of Roblox APIs (ping times, status codes, etc), while Roblox Status Live attempts to track ping times, status codes, page content, and anything that could relate to a Roblox outage (including the Official Roblox Status Page).

At Roblox Status Live, we are evolving very quickly and plan on using an Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning engine to help determine if Roblox is having an outage, what the outage consists of, and an estimated ETA for a resolution.

πŸ€– Roblox Status Live API


The Roblox Status Live API is an easy way for other developers to integrate Roblox Status Live data into their own third-party applications. The API documentation is available here.

πŸ› οΈ Change Log

v2.0 Second Major Release

v1.2 Minor Update

v1.1 Minor Update

v1.0 Initial Release

❗ Extra Information

Copyright (c) 2022 iiPython
Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Crcoli737
The Roblox Status Live Logo is the Intellectual Property of GamersInternational