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Robo Wunderkind Python API - BLED112 USB Dongle Required
Official Robo Wunderkind Modular Robotics Kit Python Interface
For more information about Robo Wunderkind please visit https://www.robowunderkind.com/
Python 2.x Supported Python 3.x Supported
Install with: pip install robopython
from robopython import Robo
Create an instance of Robo object by doing: my_robo = Robo("BLE Name")
Test Functionality by playing a sound with: my_robo.System.play_sound(0)
If you get an error saying No BGAPI compatable device is detected please insert the BLED112 USB dongle or switch USB ports If problem persists you can identify the COM port explicitley with my_robo = Robo("BLE Name", COM PORT)