RoboPoets / attribution_manager

A Godot Engine add-on that manages attributions for imported third-party assets
MIT License
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Attribution Manager

This plugin provides developers with tools to store video game credits and manage attributions for individual assets. It aims at making it easy to give correct attribution to assets imported from third parties and keeping the attribution up to date.

On top of that, it aims to solve two problems:

  1. An asset is checked in, but the person doing it forgets to add the correct attribution, or any attribution at all. This leads to frantic searches and "where did I find this again?"s towards the rear end of the development timeline. No one wants to be in that situation at that time.
  2. An asset is attributed wrongly and a complaint is lodged, maybe even with a DMCA request attached, and there is a need to identify the person responsible. This might sound overly corporate-y, but FOSS and CC licenses can only thrive if licensors have the ability to enforce them.

Using Roles to Group Credits

Credits can be collected manually and automatically. They're stored in a single resource that can be hooked up easily to any kind of credits scene. Credits for the various roles in game development can be entered directly and with as many contributors for each role as necessary. There is also a convenient resource type for crediting entire asset stores.


Crediting External Assets

Attributions for imported resources are entered in the inspector. There are pre-made attribution types for the most common CC-style licenses found on the various asset stores around the internet. The attributions are stored automatically in the credits resource and update when attributions for an asset are changed or the asset is deleted.


Crediting Project Members

There is a special license type, LicenseProject, that you can use to handle attributions for work done by members of the project and freelancers. These attributions are not stored in the list of external attributions and the names of the contributors are automatically added to the main credits array into the associated Role list.


Note: When you remove an asset or an attribution from an asset, the project member is not automatically removed from the credits list. You will have to do that manually. Whether or not you should is up to you. When in doubt, refer to the IDGA Crediting Guide for some considerations on good business practices.

The list of roles that are available when using the LicenseProject attribution is created from the roles that make up the Credits section in the credits resource. So in order to attribute an asset to someone in a specific role, the role has to be set up in that resource first.